[Below: This says in Spanish (and Croatian) 'Queremos una Europa de Naciones Libres' (We want a Europe of Free Nations). Note the spacing of the overprint on the stamps and the Croatian shield in the center.]

[Below: Note that this version lacks the spacing of the overprint on the stamps and the shield above.]

[Below: These are canceled for stamp collectors, obviously, since the Croatian government in exile didn't have a post office.]

[Below: Australian envelope from 1980 honoring Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.]

[Below: Australian envelope from 1979 released by the Croatian Philatelic Society.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1971.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1971.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1971.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1971.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps/postcard, circa 1969.]

[Below: Postcard from Borger, Texas, circa 1982.]

[Below: Postcard from Vienna, Austria, circa 1953.]

[Below: Postcard using a Croatian government-in-exile stamp (upper right hand corner) with British stamps, circa 1979.]

[Below: Another example of the same Croatian government-in-exile stamp with British stamps, circa 1976.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamps with envelope, circa 1960.]

[Below: This is a mock-up of the Bleiburg Croatian government-in-exile stamp on an envelope with 'fake' cancels.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamp on a commemorative envelope, circa 1966.]

[Below: Same Croatian government-in-exile stamp as above but sent from Spain with Spanish stamp in 1967.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamp sent from Spain with Spanish stamps in 1972.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamp sent from Spain with Spanish stamp in 1971.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile stamp sent from Spain with Spanish stamp in 1965.]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile envelope (and stamps)canceled but never sent from April 10, 1954. Click to enlarge!]

[Below: Croatian government-in-exile on Yugoslavian envelope, circa 1971.]