• Note: The Reichsadler, or National Eagle, was originally intended to face the right when used as a national symbol, and to the left when used for a NSDAP symbol, but somewhere along the line, they abandoned this concept, as you will see below.

    [Below: This beauty is by the world renowned Arno Breker and is simply called 'Adler' (1939-40).]

    [Below: Here we have two eagles -- one in the background and a carved wood one on the podium. But what's most unique is this picture was not taken in Germany, but Chile.]

    [Below: Here's a better shot at the background.]

    [Below: And a good look at the podium eagle.]

    [Below: Another photo from Chile.]

    [Below: Here is an interesting document. It is a bank deposit slip from Austria, but right after the Anschluss, hence the very rare example of the eagle and swastika overprinting the Austrian coat of arms! This is the first time I've seen a usage like this. It was commonly done in occupations, especially in Ukraine/Russia, but until now I've never seen it done in Austria. This says:

    Name des Kontoinhabers
    Alle Nachteile, die aus unrichtiger, unvollständiger oder undeutlicher
    Ausfertigung der Scheine entstehen können, krägt der Einzahler.
    Siehe Rückseite!'

    (Deposit confirmation
    Name of the account holder
    All disadvantages that may arise due to incorrect, incomplete or
    unclear execution of the banknotes shall be borne by the payer.
    See reverse side!)]

    [Below: Very interesting - I found a second example of the old Austrian eagle being crossed out! This is a poster with an Adolf Hitler quote from March 1938. It says:

    'Was auch immer sein mag,
    das Deutsche Reich
    So wie es heute steht,
    wird niemand
    Mehr zerschlagen
    und niemand mehr
    zerreißen können!'

    (Whatever may be
    the German Empire
    As it stands today,
    no one will
    Smash any more
    and no one will
    tear it apart!)]

    [Below: Here's a strange little eagle.]

    [Below: The great Erwin Rommel's state funeral, October 1944. Unlike what Allied lies and propaganda taught us, Rommel never betrayed Hitler and he died from wounds from an Allied strafing attack.]

    [Below: Another view of Rommel's state funeral.]

    [Below: 1935 postage stamp celebrating the Reich Party Day.]

    [Below: 'Deutsche Bücher 1941' (German Books 1941).]

    [Below: This weekly NSDAP poster says:

    'Opfer Schufen
    das Gross
    Reich durch
    Opfer wird es
    Ewig Sein!'

    (Sacrifice created
    the Great
    Empire through
    sacrifice it will
    be eternal!)]

    [Below: It's neat how they have the light pointing upward toward the podium speaker, it must have been a great effect in the vast and shadowy room. Click to enlarge!]

    [Below: Here is a little plastic 'tinnie' from German Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia) from 1944. This poor eagle looks a bit like a toucan bird.]

    [Below: Not sure where this is from but it looks super cool.]

    [Below: This is the women's magazine Frauen Warte. It says:

    'die einzige parteiamtliche frauenzeitschrift'

    (the only official women's party magazine)

    'Ein Volk
    sind wir
    ein volk bleiben wir und Niemand kann
    uns brechen und keine Welt
    wird und je bezwingen'

    (One people
    we are
    one people we remain and no one can
    break us and no world
    will ever conquer us)]

    [Below: This is neat and powerful-looking. I like the aged look to it too. Coincidently, out of over one hundred various eagles I could have chosen to put up next I randomly chose this one. And again it is the same poem as above! Strange. It says:

    'Ein volk sind wir
    Und Niemand kann
    Uns Brechen
    Ein volk bleiben wir
    Und keine welt wird
    Uns je bezwingen'

    (One people we are
    And no one can
    Break us
    One people we remain
    And no world will
    Ever conquer us).]

    [Below: A stone relic from 1940 at the entrance to a German bunker near Stavanger, Norway.]

    [Below: Now here is a concert I'd like to attend. I'm guessing some sort of NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal)?]

    [Below: This is incredible, like so many posters and postcards celebrating the Reich Party Day are.]

    [Below: These Hitler Youth boys are standing before some sort of rock memorial. Check out the cut out swastikas.]

    [Below: This NSDAP poster says:

    'Die Arbeit ehrt die Frau
    wie den Mann,
    das kind aber
    adelt die Mutter '

    (The work honors the woman
    as the man,
    But the child
    ennobles the mother).]

    [Below: This Flemish poster says:

    'Die Arbeit ehrt die Frau
    wie den Mann,
    das kind aber
    adelt die Mutter'

    (Flanders Makes History).

    The date 1302 is referring to The Battle of Golden Spurs. 'In 1302, after two years of French military occupation and several years of unrest, many cities in Flanders revolted against French rule. On 11 July, an untrained Flemish infantry militia defeated a professional force of French cavalry during the Battle of Golden Spurs in Kortrijk, Flanders.']

    [Below: This beauty is from a flag. ]

    [Below: Interesting wings on this eagle. In case you didn't know, that large portrait below the eagle is of Adolf Hitler. ]

    [Below: I'm unsure of the story on this eagle, but it looks like it was made from popsicle sticks?]

    [Below: These eagles says:

    'Das Führerkorps Des Dritten Reiches'

    (The Leader Corps of the Third Reich)]

    The term 'The Third Reich' wasn't used very often back then, so it is always interesting to see an example.]

    [Below: Here is an example of Vichy France using an eagle. This is the eagle of the 'French Popular Party' led by the great Jacques Doriot. The party symbol is rather unique, is it the ax blade of the ax used by Vichy France?]

    [Below: Here is another Vichy Frech eagle.]

    [Below: Okay you English speakers out there I better not have to translate this poster for you! That is one WEIRD-looking eagle!!!]

    [Below: Here's a local rally utilizing various eagles and flags.]

    [Below: Needless to say, these are neat! The one on the left says: 'Dem Deutschen Nat.-Sozialismus die Zukumft!' (The future of German National Socialism!). And the other one says 'Deutschland Erwache! (Germany Awake!).]

    [Below: We can only guess what coats of arms are on this sketch... maybe Czechoslovakia and Austria?]

    [Below: The eagle's face is simply outstanding! This poster says:

    'Deine hand dem Volks=Deutschen Bruder!
    Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland'

    (Your hand to the Volks=German brother!
    People's Association for Germanity Abroad)]

    [Below: This is a beautifully embossed letterhead from the Gauleiter of Munich.]

    [Below: This shows a hall decked out for municipal elections in the Finnish city of Tampere.]

    [Below: 'Gabe des Deutschen Reichs' (Gift of the German Empire).]

    [Below: Some sort of wooden monument to fallen soldiers.]

    [Below: This poster, celebrating 'Gau Tag' (a regional celebration day), says:

    'Der Gau
    bekräftigt erneut
    den restlosen Einlatz
    für Führer
    und Volk.'

    (The district
    South Hanover=
    the complete implementation
    for Führer
    and people).]

    [Below: Not sure if this is a music sheet cover or whatever else it could be. The poor eagle has such a troubled look on his brow!]

    [Below: A BDM female choir.]

    [Below: This peculiar eagle is from a French editon of Mein Kampf. I like it.]

    [Below: This award certificate says:

    'In Treue und Dank
    barkeit begrüßt die heimat ihre tapferen Söhne,
    die für Großdeutschlands
    Freiheit kämpften und

    (With loyalty and thanks
    the homeland salutes its brave sons,
    who fought for
    freedom and

    [Below: This unique eagle is from a staff car fender flag.]

    [Below: This postcard made by the 21st Infantry Regiment.]

    [Below: This is a cool Hitler Youth slogan poster. I love the symmetry of the eagle/torches/oak leaves. It says:

    'Niemals dürfen wir die Menschen
    nach der Art der Arbeit werten,
    Sondern nur nach der Leistung auf
    dem Arbeitsplatz, auf dem sie stehen.
    Wir müssen Achtung vor jeder Arbeit,
    Achtung vor jedem Träger
    dieser Arbeit haben.'

    (We must never judge people
    according to the nature of the work,
    But only according to the performance on
    the job they are in.
    We must have respect for every work
    and respect for every bearer
    of this work.)]

    [Below: This rally is for the NSF (The National Socialist Women's League, or Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft). It says: 'Einer für alle, alle für einen'.]

    [Below: This says: 'Des Führers tat Erfüllte den Sehnsuchtstraum der Deutschen'

    (The Führer Fulfilled the Longing Dream of the Germans).]

    [Below: This poster says:

    'Nürnberg 1933
    Einig das Volk
    das Reich'

    (Nuremberg 1933
    United the People
    Strengthened the Empire).]

    [Below: This poster says:

    im Deutschen Osten
    Kämpft mit uns im
    Deutscher Osten'

    (Battle of Fate
    in the German East
    Fight with us in the
    German East

    [Below: This is a pretty neat design.]

    [Below: Perhaps this is in the German House of Art.]

    [Below: This says: 'Der Name "Völkischer Beobachter" ist zu einem Programm für sich geworden.'
    (The name "Völkischer Beobachter" has become a program in itself.)
    The Völkischer Beobachter was the newspaper of the NSDAP from December 25, 1920 and onward.]

    [Below: Hmm, I don't recognize anyone at this 1938 rally.]

    [Below: This beautiful postcard says:

    'Gautreffen 1938
    Gau Westfalen-Nord
    Der NSDAP
    24.25.26. Juni
    Stadt der Tausend Feuer'

    (District Meeting 1938
    Westfalen-Nord District
    Of the NSDAP
    24.25.26. June
    Gelsenkirchen {Gelsenkirchen is a city in western Germany}.
    City of a Thousand Fires).]

    [Below: This medal says: 'Für Verdienste - Das Grubenwehrwesen' (For merits - The underground {or mine} fire brigade).]

    [Below: This poster says: 'Deutsche Männer und Frauen!' (German men and women!)]

    [Below: This poster, with a quote from Adolf Hitler, says:

    'Es kann nicht anders
    Sein: wir müssen siegen
    und wir werden auch

    (It can not be otherwise
    We must win
    and we will win!)]

    [Below: Beautiful. This is labeled 'Posen Nationalsozialistische Feierstunde' (Polish National Socialist Ceremony).]

    [Below: A neat-looking award certificate.]

    [Below: An interesting flag that says 'Zum andenken an Meine Reisen nach Indien China und Japan' (In memory of my travels to India, China and Japan).]

    [Below: This poster, celebrating the November 9, 1923 martyrs of the Beer Hall Putsch, and is simply beautiful! It says:

    'Geboren als Deutscher,
    Gelebt als Kämpfer,
    Gefallenn als held,
    Auferstanden als Volk!'

    (Born as a German,
    Lived as a fighter,
    Fallen as a hero,
    Risen as a people!]

    [Below: I've seen this whole eagle somewhere before... if I find it I'll post it here.]

    [Below: This gorgeous card says: 'Reichsparteitag des Friedens 1939' (Reich Party Congress of Peace 1939). The Germans tried absolutely everything in their power to avoid war, but the USA, Britain and Russia wanted war at any cost.]

    [Below: A beautiful SS award document with a very powerful eagle. It says: 'Reichsfeuerwehr Ehrenzeichen' (Reich Fire Brigade - Badge of Honor)]

    [Below: Beautiful graphics on this one. It says:


    Reich Day Meeting
    This is an early meeting from 1925. Elberfeld is a subdivision of the German city of Wuppertal in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.]

    [Below: No idea where or when this was but I'm guessing it was right up my alley.]

    [Below: Another very unique eagle - very nicely done. It says:

    'Adolf Hitler
    Reichsparteitag 1935 Empfang im Rathaus:
    Die Stadt der herrlichen
    Deutschen alten kultur
    erweitert sich zusehends
    zur stadt der neuen
    Deutschen Erhebung'

    (Adolf Hitler
    Reich Party Congress 1935 reception in the town hall:
    The city of magnificent
    old German culture
    is visibly expanding
    to the city of the new
    German uprising).]

    [Below: Wow, this is cool. It is some sort of police celebration, but you can see the various paramilitary and political groups represented as well. SA, Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Hitler Youth, etc.]

    [Below: Beautiful and powerful eagle. I love the swastika design too.]

    [Below: If you look closely you can see the TeNo flag on the far right. TeNo stands for 'Technische Nothilfe' (Technical Emergency Help).]

    [Below: TeNo symbol.]

    [Below: Here is a TeNo poster.]

    [Below: This is a really neat poem. It says:

    'Das hakenkreuz
    Das hakenkreuz im weißen feld
    Auf feuerrotem Grunde
    Gibt frei und offen aller Welt
    die hochgemute kunde
    Wer sich um dieses Zeichen Schart
    Ist deutsch mit Seele, Sinn und Art
    Und nicht bloß mit dem Munde
    Allen Blutsdeutschen gewidmet vom
    priester dichter Dr. ...

    (The swastika
    The swastika in the white field
    On fire red background
    Gives freely and openly to all the world
    the high-minded lore
    Who gathers around this sign
    Is German with soul, sense and kind
    And not merely with the mouth
    Dedicated to all blood Germans by the priest poet Dr. ...')]

    *Special thanks to my German comrade who gave me information on the above poem!

    It is a 1923 poem called Das 'Hakenkreuz' by Ottokar Kernstock. It was also known as 'Das Hakenkreuz im weißen Feld' (The Swastika in the White Field). It was soon an important song of the National Socialist movement and even became an anthem of the Prussian SS.

    Here is the full poem in English:

    The swastika in the white circle
    On the fire-red background
    Set free and open to the whole world
    With a glorious message.
    And those who gather near this sign
    Are Germans in their soul, mind and being
    And not only on words,
    And not only on words!

    The swastika in the white circle
    On the fire-red background
    Was elected by the people
    In their hour of doom.
    When in deep suffering
    Our homeland called for help
    Dying from its wounds,
    Dying from its wounds!

    The swastika in the white circle
    On the fire-red background
    Gave us pride and courage
    Beating inside our hearts.
    No one will betray the faith
    We are not afraid of death nor the devil
    Because God is with us,
    Because God is with us!

    [Below: Ottokar Kernstock.]

    [Below: So beautiful... the contrast between the old (the pillars/building) and the new (the swastika/National Socialism).]

    [Below: This is a gorgeous tapestry with a quote from Adolf Hitler. It says:

    'Wenn die Vorsehungmich
    einst aus diefer Stadt
    zur führung des Reiches
    berief, dann muß fie
    mir damit einen Auftrag
    erteilt haben-das
    kann nur ein Auftrag
    gervefen sein, meine teure
    Heimat dem deutschen

    Reich Wiederzugeben!'

    (When Providence
    from the State
    called to lead the kingdom,
    then it must
    have given me a mission -
    it can only be a mission
    to return my dear
    homeland to the
    to the German Reich!)

    This obviously means the Anschluss with Austria, which was gloriously accomplished in 1938.]

    [Below: Here's a Hitler Youth ceremony - look at all those swastikas!]

    [Below: This says:

    Gau Köln Aachen
    Mein Ehrentag
    zur Erinnerung
    an Meine Vereidigung'

    Gau Köln Aachen
    My Day of Honor
    in memory
    of my swearing in ceremony).]

    [Below: What a beauty. This is burned on wood.]

    [Below: Wow... imagine being there in person. Imagine how much more powerful these pictures would be in person.]

    [Below: This eagle's face is intense! This says: 'Mit unsern Fahnen ist der Sieg!' (With our flags is victory!).]

    [Below: The SA and SS gather! I don't recognize a single soul here. The picture is labeled 'Reichsstatthalter 1934' (Reich Governor 1934).]

    [Below: Another beautiful award certificate. This one is from 1938 and is for marksmanship. The top of it says: 'Für hervorragende Leistungen im Schießen' (For Excellence in Shooting).]

    [Below: Is that Adolf Hitler speaking?]

    [Below: This beautiful poster, with a quote from Joseph Goebbels, says:

    'Unsere soldaten verteidigen alles,
    was wir besitzen, auch das, was
    wir den Deutschen geist nennen:
    die Deutsche kunst und die
    Deutsche wissenschaft, die
    freiheit der forschung und
    die würde der nation'

    (Our soldiers defend everything,
    everything we own, including what
    we call the German spirit:
    German art and the
    German science, the
    freedom of research and
    the dignity of the nation)]

    [Below: Hermann Göring gives a speech before a rather unique eagle, it almost looks like stained glass.]

    [Below: Very powerful. This refers to the terrible days of fighting, when the whole world slipped into an abyss. It is a slogan the National Socialists used often, and a very powerful one. It says: 'Und ihr habt doch gesiegt!' (And Despite All You Were Victorious!)]

    [Below: This picture is from the ten year celebration of the National Socialists assumption of power - 1933-1943. It says: 'Wir werden siegen weil uns Adolf Hitler führ' (We will win because we are led by Adolf Hitler.)]

    [Below: Here's an interesting eagle on a beautiful tapestry. The following two tapestries were for a wedding hall of the municipality of Waidhofen (Austria) by Prof. Harnisch, 1940.]

    [Below: This is an SS German officer's mess hall. Click to see more.]

    [Below: This is a gun bunker in Løkken, Denmark. What a shame that vile animals have defaced our symbol.]

    [Below: This is a gun bunker called Batterie Mirus located in Saint Peter and Saint Saviour, Guernsey. It was originally called Batterie Nina and comprised four 30.5 cm guns.]

    [Below: Another gun bunker of Batterie Mirus in Guernsey.]

    [Below: And another gun bunker of Batterie Mirus in Guernsey.]

    [Below: This is a gun bunker in Brest, France. It says: 'Wir Kämgfen für die Zukumft Gross Deutschlands!' (We fight for the future of Greater Germany!.)]

    [Below: This is a gunbunker officially called 'R 611 Geschützschartenstand für Feldgeschütze' (Gun emplacement for field guns). Dinard, Brittany. It says: 'Tapfer u. Treu' (Brave & Faithful).]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: Wow...mein Gott!]

    [Below: This postcard bears the wonderous flag of Adolf Hitler. It says:

    'Adolf Hitler
    Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht

    Solange ich lebe
    werde ich für des Deutschen
    Volkes Wiedererhebung für
    seine Zukunst und seine Grösse

    (Adolf Hitler
    Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht

    As long as I live
    I will fight for the
    German people's revival, for
    its future and its great

    [Below: The Adolf Hitler Standarte.]

    [Below: This beauty is a ticket to the 1935 Nuremberg Reichsparteitag.]

    [Below: Reverse of card.]