[Below: Eva Justin making a cast of the face of a Roma man.]

[Below: Spectacular wax casts of Romani heads in the Racial Hygiene Center.]

[Below: Eva Justin and Dr. Adolf Würth measuring a man's skull, April 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]

[Below: Eva Justin and Dr. Adolf Würth measuring a man's skull, April 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]

[Below: Eva Justin taking samples of hair, 1936/1940. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]

[Below: Eva Justin collecting data at a Gypsy camp, 1936/1940. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]

[Below: Dr. Robert Ritter with a Gypsy woman and policeman, 1936/1940.]

[Below: Facial/nose measurement.]

[Below: A doctor measures bone structure.]

[Below: A doctor measures a young girls skull.]

[Below: A class on race.]


  • Below are pictures of Gypsies and a Gypsy camp. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.

    [Below: A Gypsy wagon, 1938/1943.]

    [Below: Gypsies sitting outside their wagons, 1938/1943.]

    [Below: The interior of a Gypsy wagon, 1938/1943. Note the picture of Adolf Hitler on the wall!]

    [Below: A Gypsy mother and children look outside the window of their wagon, 1938/1943.]

    [Below: Roma children in Transnistria, near Tiraspolani, wearing appalling ragged clothing. April 1944.]