[Above: NS-Frauenschaft pin.]

[Above: Women of the NS-Frauenschaft at the 1934 Nuremberg Reichsparteitag Rally.]

[Above: Women of the NS-Frauenschaft at the 1938 Nuremberg Reichsparteitag Rally.]

[Above: The NS-Frauenschaft held classes on a variety of subjects, including child rearing.]

[Above: Wider shot of the above picture.]

[Above: Circa 1935.]

[Above: A proud mother and father with eight children. She wears her NS-Frauenschaft membership pin and a 1st Class Gold Mother's Cross.]

[Above: This is Gaufrauenschaftsleiterin (regional leader) Lotte Witte.]

[Above: Circa 1941.]

[Above: A local NS-Frauenschaft group. A keen eye will spot the picture of Adolf Hitler in the background!]

[Above: This picture was taken in Walldorf, Germany.]

[Above: This picture is of a clothing drive for the Winterhilfswerk.]

[Above: NS-Frauenschaft leader Gertrud Scholtz-Klink with comrades.]

[Above: NS-Frauenschaft pin.]

[Above: NS-Frauenschaft medals came in various grades.]

[Above: NS-Frauenschaft patch.]