'This Jewish bolshevist annihilation of nations and its western European and American procurers can be met only in one way:
by using every ounce of strength with the extreme fanaticism and stubborn steadfastness that merciful God gives to men in hard times for the defense of their own lives...'

-Adolf Hitler, radio speech, February 24, 1945

[Above: Famed American writer Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut was a P.O.W. working in Dresden during one of the worst murderous attacks by the Allies.
He wrote about it in a letter home (May 29, 1945):
'On about February 14th the Americans came over, followed by the R.A.F.
Their combined labors killed 250,000 people in twenty-four hours and destroyed all of Dresden—possibly the world's most beautiful city. But not me.'

[Above: Eastern Prussia. Cold and hunger... satiated by death.]

[Above: Berlin, a smoldering crater.]

'They Enjoy the Looting --
Next to the desire to go home, the biggest thing on the soldier's mind is what he quite candidly calls 'looting.' ...The biggest loot lay in bicycles, cameras, and radios, and of course any stock of liquor one could find. The liquor disappeared very rapidly... One wondered whether this was not an example of how an army will reflect faithfully the traits of a culture at home which values money far more highly than it values integrity and community interest...'

-PM Daily VOL.V, No.244, March 29, 1945, page 2

[Above: A barefoot starving German boy, clutching a dirty sheet, searching the garbage for scraps outside a British club in Hamburg, 1946. Patton called the Germans 'The greatest race in Europe'. The Allies threw the Germans to the trash, and stole everything in sight. Millions starved while Allied food supplies were overflowing.]

[Above: British soldiers jeer at a painting of Adolf Hitler. He let thousands of British soldiers flee just a few years before at Dunkirk. Now those same soldiers come to spread death and destruction.]

[Above: A communist steals a woman's bike. The Allied troops stole everything in sight, yet they still whine about Germans stealing art. The Allies literally dismantled entire factories, brick by brick, screw by screw and rebuilt the factories in their countries. Many times they would even capture the workers and kidnap them and force them to work. Yet the Allies still dare to say Germany used 'slave labor'. The 'Good Guys' took thousands and thousands of German slaves and enslaved them for many years after the war.]

'Max Lerner Reports on Germany:
Never in history has there been another such case of an army at the peak of its power and its victory, whose men would so glady abandon both power and victory if only they could get home.
I have asked many American boys in Germany whether they wouldn't like to stay in Europe--perhaps in the Army of Occupation, perhaps as part of the necassary machine administering relief and helping rebuild Europe after the war. Very few of the men I have talked with wanted to stay on...'

-PM Daily VOL.V, No.244, March 29, 1945, page 2

[Above: A communist thief shows off his stolen watches.]

[Above: A woman and a child bury their heads in what's left of their home.]

[Above: An American soldier sprays pesticide next to a garbage can labeled so Germans can eat out of their trash.]

'Only the size of the sacrifice will reveal the greatness of the victory. What is easily achieved will be easily forgotten.'
-Adolf Hitler

[Above: Captured German soldiers, on their way to concentration camps, where many of them will die. They are herded west, following the Autobahn, yet another National Socialist invention copied all over the world.]

[Above: German civilians are forced into cattle cars.]

[Above: Millions of German civilians forced from their ancestral homes. It was the largest migration in human history.]

'The forced migration of millions of peoples is the greatest of crime of this age. There is nothing in all history to equal it except perhaps the fact that there is neither an outcry against these atrocities by the people of other nations nor any action...'
-'The Bishop writes from Europe', the monthly newsletter of the November issue of 'Catholic Action News' in Fargo, North Dakota, Bishop Aloisius J. Muench

[Above: Forced from their homes, these civilians walked from Lodz to Berlin (565 km or 350 miles) hoping to find shelter.]

[Above & below: A unexploded bomb tore through the St. Eramus Chapel cathedral, Berlin. It was founded in 1465. The murderous Allied bombs actually targeted things like museums! Yes, it's true. They destroyed countless cultural artifacts of Europe.]

[Above: Stepping on the dreams of those enlightened. These drones think they are symbolically attacking "Nazism". But they only help steel my determination to tell the truth to the world.]

'The Axis powers, although they must realize that they have lost the war, nevertheless hope to win the peace by...
disseminating their disruptive ideology and by fostering discontent and promoting discord within the American Republic.'

-PM Daily VOL.V, No.244, March 29, 1945, page 6

[Above: This is what superheroes look like. Grenades in their boots, heavy machine guns in their hands and Adolf Hitler in their hearts!]

[Above: Allied soldiers loved to play with corpses, here they put a stick grenade next to a martyred soldier.]

[Above: An old man poses with a wing of an eagle. The Allied tyrants destroyed countless works of National Socialist art. They literally threw works of art, like Breker, into metal scrap yards.]

'Wanderer, greet the Fatherland for us, whom we loved more than life itself.'
-Motto above a German cemetery in France

[Above: His body twisted and cold. Left behind by his comrades. Now you lay as a symbol of courage. Sacrifice. Now you inspire us in 2020 and beyond.]

[Above: Big man crossing off an eagle on a train. I think he is even using his own nail polish.]

[Above: The Allied bombers targeted children. In fact, they would go out of their way to get them. Even flying past strategic targets to bomb civilians.]

'There will be no free Germans. This is the meaning of Gen. Eisenhower's statement
"there will be no negotiated unconditional surrender,"
but that the war will go on until the whole of Germany has been taken over and occupied...
It means something else, something that has never before happened in the history of modern war.
Eisenhower has, in fact, stated that the Allied armies will go on until the whole regular Germany army and the auxiliaries have been captured, or have surrendered, or have been killed.'

-PM Daily VOL.V, No.244, March 29, 1945, page 6

[Above: The New York Times, June 1941. Their bloodlust is insatiable.]

[Above: Berlin, zoo bunker. 'Lieber tot als skalve' = 'Better dead than a slave']

[Above: A extremely young Soviet soldier, injured and scared, surrenders during the Battle of Kursk. July, 1943. The invasion of Russia was to fight communism. It was not a war against the Russian people.]

'I once saw DPs beat an SS man and then strap him to the steel gurney of a crematorium. They slid him in the oven, turned on the heat and took him back out. Beat him again, and put him back in until he was burnt alive. I did nothing to stop it. I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so. Does that make me an accomplice to murder?'
-2005 interview for the Washington Post, Benjamin B. Ferencz, Chief Prosecutor for the United States Army at the Einsatzgruppen Trial from Brzezinski, Matthew (July 2005)., "Giving Hitler Hell", The Washington Post.

[Above: An American soldier sits atop a mountain of samurai swords. The Americans stopped Japan from destroying communism in China. Now the communist hydra is unleashed.]

[Above: Young tank hunters carrying panzerfausts.]

[Above: A Waffen-SS officer awaits his enemies. Come what may.]

'It may be true that the atom bombs dropped on Japan shortened the war in the Pacific a little, but the war was already decided before those bombs were dropped. All the same it shows a deplorable lack of humanity when some Americans still contend that the slaughter of 120,000 civilians was justified if it saved the lives of a relatively few soldiers in the field.'
-The Bombing of Germany by Hans Rumpf, pg. 235, ©1963

[Above: This American soldier thinks it is funny to see a dead German. Don't worry little tough guy, what comes around goes around and I'm sure there was a bullet with your name on it. Too bad we don't have a picture of him to laugh at.]

[Above: Can you imagine how proud you would be if this were your son?]

[Above: American soldiers, well all Allied soldiers, were rampant thieves. They were so obsessed with "those evil Nazis" that they would even collect rocks that they stepped on. Can you imagine German soldiers collecting rocks that Churchill might have stepped on? Hahaha. No.]

'I wasn't new to murder and bloodletting. I had enlisted two years prior to the outbreak of the second world war and by the time I was 21 I had taken part in one major battle and various smaller ones. I had been in fights where the ground in front of me was littered with the remains of young men who had once been full of the joy of living, laughing and joking with their mates. As each year of the war went by, the fighting got more ferocious, new weapons were introduced and fresh young men became the targets. How I remained a sane person through all this I don't know.
Then came the evening of the February 13, 1945 – 68 years ago this week. I was a prisoner of war held in Dresden. At about 10:30 pm that night, the air raid sirens started their mournful wailing and because this happened every night no notice was taken. The people of Dresden believed that as long as the Luftwaffe kept away from Oxford, Dresden would be spared. The sirens stopped and after a short period of silence the first wave of pathfinders were over the city dropping their target flares.
As the incendiaries fell, the phosphorus clung to the bodies of those below, turning them into human torches. The screaming of those who were being burned alive was added to the cries of those not yet hit. There was no need for flares to lead the second wave of bombers to their target, as the whole city had become a gigantic torch. It must have been visible to the pilots from a hundred miles away. Dresden had no defenses, no anti-aircraft guns, no searchlights, nothing.
My account of this tragedy, Dresden: A Survivor's Story, was published on the day of the anniversary this week. I gave a number of interviews around the publication, in which I insisted that the affair was a war crime at the highest level, a stain upon the name Englishman that only an apology made in full public view would suffice to obliterate...
From being regarded as some form of hero on the one hand, to a Nazi supporter on the other, has taught me that there are so many sides to any question.'

-Victor Gregg, British P.O.W. and author of Dresden: A Survivor's Story, February 1945

[Above: SS official Oswald Pohl. Pohl was hanged shortly after midnight on June 7, 1951 at Landsberg Prison. Pohl was an extremely capable SS officer and dedicated National Socialist. In 1932 he proclaimed, 'I was a National Socialist before National Socialism came into being.' The prison chaplain described Pohl as 'a man full of energy, willpower and vigor... a man of a highly cultured mind and heart...'

The prison chaplain, Morgenschweis, defended Pohl's reputation long after his Allied murder. He proclaimed Pohl's innocence and stated that lies brought him to be executed.

Pohl's wife and children stood firmly by him during his imprisonment. His wife remained loyal to him until the end.]

[Above: Oswald Pohl photographed after he was murdered by the Allies. One of a legion of innocent men murdered to satiate Allied blood lust.]

[Above: A communist poster in Britain. Help us murder more people! 'The communist party says ACT NOW!' And it wasn't like they didn't know about communist Russia's murder of millions of people. It was well publicized and was a well known fact at the time. The governments knew it, the people knew it. Four presidents of the United States refused to even recognize communist Russia. On December 6, 1917, the American government broke off diplomatic relations with Russia, until November 16, 1933, when President Roosevelt ended nearly 16 years of American non-recognition of the Soviet Union. In fact, almost immediately upon taking office, he moved to establish formal diplomatic relations between the United States and communist Russia. The fact is he was a communist sympathizer and his devout commie wife Eleanor was even investigated by the FBI.]

[Above: The communist monster Eleanor Roosevelt.]

'Does the question of conscience arise at all for a man who releases a block-buster, unaimed, over a town filled with defenseless people? Does he wonder where it is going to explode? In a nursery, in an old people's home, in a hospital ward? Only very rarely have any of these men spoken frankly about the spiritual and psychological effects of their experiences...'
-The Bombing of Germany by Hans Rumpf, pg. 204, ©1963.

[Above: Ahh, how cute. They even put some ketchup on it. This is wax model of Adolf Hitler, May 13, 1933. Such childish idiots.]

[Above: A German soldier, hands tied, after being murdered by strangulation by his cowardly enemies.]

[Above: The communist Russian occupiers had the nerve to put up street signs in Russian using Cyrillic! Many, many street names were changed all over Germany, the majority of the new names used the names of Jewish figures and other silliness.]

'Children, many of them made orphans by the effects of the indiscriminate slaughter lay immobilized. Their tiny minds were paralyzed by fear, their pain-wracked bodies destined to live out their physical lives in post-war institutions and mental asylums. Such was the 'liberation' of Germany and such was the desperate need to invent the alleged holocaust. The victorious allies were obliged to create an atrocity fantasy ~ since shown to be such ~ to excuse if not cover up their own hideous crimes against humanity.

In such conditions little or nothing could be done for the victims unless they had the means to survive on their own for a while. There were too few able-bodied people available. Medical supplies and other equipment were scarce. Many in the waters suffered from heat and water blisters and were in their final stages of agony and life. Despite their tormented condition, they fought their would-be rescuers violently. These desperate souls were hellishly aware that their real agonies would come as their bodies left the water and came into contact with the air.

To the very limits of their ability those who could come to their aid did so. Yet, there was little they could do to alleviate the suffering. The phosphorous victims were still partially submerged with the globules of chemical still adhering to them. The jelly-like substance would burst into flames as soon as it came into contact with the air. Rescuers wept copiously as they gave the victims fresh water to drink. They tried to tend to their visible wounds and burns. But really, there was very little that could be done and many in the water were in effect the living dead.

The consequence of phosphorous on the skin is that huge folds began to slough off. Burns festered and pus oozed exposing raw meat and muscles that are normally seen only by surgeons carrying out operations. Most of the victims were deranged to some extent. As night fell the silence that fell on the Alster was broken only by the pitiful moans and tortured cries of the demented souls still in the water. In the darkness of the night, huddled forms could be seen as intervals. These people were crouching along the banks in the murk. Many were supported by yet another agonized victim likewise in the water. As the night wore on huge folds of skin slipped from the bodies of victims as does the skin from a snake...'
-Death of a City, Mike Walsh, pg. 48, ©1982.

[Above: Sailors Bob Nethery, left, of Powell, Wyoming., and Bob Wickford of Patterson, California., after being tricked into fighting their own brothers and sisters in Europe, celebrate a very dark future for their children. New York, May 1, 1945.]

[Above: A racial treasure, thrust into the horror of war. Our enemies destroyed untold millions of our people, the best of the breed, in two world wars. This was no accident.]

[Above: On November 17, 1943 an Allied bomb hit the Berlin Museum... this was no accident, the 'good guys' actually targeted museums and other cultural locales. Here is a nearly destroyed statue of Amenhothat II of ancient Egypt. This is a crime against humanity. One of countless committed by the Allies.]

'Documented torture of German POWs before the Nuremberg trials:

[The US Simpson Inquiry Commission] reported among other things that of the 139 cases they had investigated, 137 had had their testicles permanently destroyed by kicks received from the War Crimes Investigating Team.

Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden - member of the commission investigating the accusations by Colonel Everett who reported that Germans did not receive fair trial, wrote in his book titled "American Atrocities in Germany":

Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair.'

[Above: 'Hitler's Dream'. How pathetic and laughable. This is an example of Allied lies, in reality the Allied countries had conquered and colonized most of the world. I like that they even put Germany on the moon. Who was it that said 'There isn't an American or Russian space program, it's a German space program'. Because all of the American and Russian space programs were filled with German scientists that were kidnapped after the war, such as Werner von Braun, a card carrying member of the National Socialist party. He became the head of NASA for god sakes.]

[Above: 'Macht-und Blutrausch der Juden' = 'Power and Bloodlust of the Jews' (Völkischer Beobachter, August 1944)]

[Above: Click to enlarge]

[Above: The Allies specifically targeted women, children, the old and the sick. They actually had a program to bypass German military targets and bomb civilians centers instead. How evil can one get? This is like something from a storybook...

'The Dark Dragon Lord, his eyes molten evil, ghostly light shined down on his horde of grisly, rotting undead.
Acrid smoke escaped his fanged mouth as he bellowed:
"My dark army of evil, I command you to only attack women and children from now on.
Ignore any soldiers, war factories, air fields, or anything else that could damage the enemy's fighting capability.
We must attack playgrounds, schools, auditoriums, churches and even graveyards.
Yes, my hellish, rotting ghoul army, I order you to bomb their graveyards too.
Fifty miles east of that massive factory producing munitions is a pre-school.
But don't waste your bombs on the munitions factory, for evil sakes.
The Dark Dragon Lord waved his wicked claws in the air, as the rotting mass of evil, their eyes glowing with hate and undeath, moaned and screamed in bloodlust."

It sounds ridiculous in this context, but it is all true. We've been lied to on so many levels, fed their lies all of our lives, but the shocking truth is surfacing. Evil won WWII and is wearing the mask of good. It's taught us a completely inverted tale of history.

'As the Americans marched in, the old and the new schools had been totally destroyed, the parsonage burned, and homes and farms razed to the ground. Those already lying underground were brought back to the surface when the cemetery was hit. Nothing escaped the fighter-bombers' war on the villages...'
-The Fire - The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945, by Jörg Friedrich, pg. 143, ©2006

'When another 972 people were killed in the next raid, on February 20, and the Johannis Cemetery in Leipzig had to close because it was heavily hit...'
-The Fire - The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945, by Jörg Friedrich, pg. 380, ©2006

Incredible. It takes a lot to shock me these days, but this did it. I know that the Allies targeted small farms, women, children, animals, virtually anything moving in the countryside, but I had never imagined they would have bombing raids with cemetery targets!!! Monsters of the highest order... unbelievable, but true.

[Above: This has to be the most disgusting article I've ever read in my entire life. This is from Yank newspaper, from February 6, 1944, vol. 2 no. 34. Written by a 'Saul Levitt', a Jew. This Jew pours his black hatred for Germans onto these pages like you've never witnessed before. Truly inhuman hatred. Sickening to any decent human being. Hell, even serial killers would be disgusted by this article.]

[Above: A German man, old and beaten, wearing clothes of a slave, dismantling helmets to make into cooking pans.]

[Above: A young German knight, tired and broken, surrenders to the Beast.]

'When someone came to join the Movement then, one could only say to him: "You can give up everything else, since you will be laughed at and ridiculed and persecuted. You must be aware that you will be without bread, that they will throw you out of everywhere. You will have nothing of which you can be certain, other than death perhaps." '
-Adolf Hitler's Speech on the 17th Anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch (1940)
The Löwenbräukeller, Munich, November 8, 1940

[Above: 'Wessen Schuld?' = 'Whose Fault?' A post war propaganda poster from the Allies meant to instill guilt in the German population. It worked.]

[Above: There is video of this poor woman wandering the roads of postwar Germany. She's been gang raped and beaten and appears to be in a daze.]

[Above: 'All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair,' he charged.
'This was standard operating procedure with our American investigators.'

These are the 'good guys'? This may be one of the most horrible things I've ever read.]

'We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men. '
-Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President during World War I

[Above: The eternal sentinel. The guardian of European culture. The German soldier embodies an ideal which we strive for. This knight is from the elite Großdeutschland Division.]

[Above: Summer, 1945. The eagle of the Third Reich, who had soared to utter greatness, such unbelievable highs, now lies in ruin with her people.]

[Above: Oh yes, stab and shoot the one man who led a revolt against this decadent and evil world. I hope one day these men learned the truth. Maybe after they were finally allowed to go home to find they had been duped. And as the years wore on these men saw their world decay in ways no one could imagine.]

'Even in death Adolf Hitler is a man to be feared.'

[Above: September 1945. 'Germans forage for food. Hungry Germans pick through a garbage dump for scraps of food.
GI trucks unloaded waste from army kitchens in this area and people from as far as five miles came to lool for edibles...'

[Above: A sea of Stahlhelms, their owners mostly dead or missing. The Dream lay dormant... for a little while.]

[Above: Young Luftwaffe men, fear stamped on their faces. They've seen what the Allies -- American and British included -- do to unarmed prisoners. It was pounded into our heads that only the Russians killed and tortured German prisoners. This is a massive lie. In fact, they were arguably more evil and murderous to their prisoners.]