
[Above: Mahatma Gandhi tells his fellow Indians to stop killing each other for the British occupiers.]


[Above: Flyer dropped by Japanese planes over India.]


[Above: 'God bid Nippon [Japan] to help India drive out the British devil'.]


[Above: Here we have Churchill, Roosevelt and the leader of China Chiang Kai-shek, pushing and pulling an Indian in an attempt to get him to fight for them. The uppermost flag in the explosion is that of China. The woman on the right has the colors of the Dutch flag on her hat.]


[Above: This flyer depicts an Indian kicking the British out of India. Lots of Axis symbolism here as well.]



























[Below: Allied propaganda leaflet. What a lame attempt to discredit Chandra Bose! This was dropped by Allied forces over Indian National Army and Japanese forces targeting those Indians who had joined the INA and allied themselves with the Japanese. I find it strange that they refer to him as 'Quisling' after Norway's Vidkun Quisling of WWII fame. I mean, how many Indians even knew who Quisling was?]


[Below: Another Allied propaganda leaflet. Once again another lame attempt to discredit Bose. Note the 'swastika' at his feet -- drawn wrong for a more powerful effect, or the 'artist' was an idiot who had never seen a swastika before. I mean, how do so many people get a 2,000 year old symbol wrong?]


[Below: German leaflet dropped on Allied troops. This shows a burning London with a V1 overshadowing it, all the while Churchill is escaping with the stolen wealth of India.]

[Below: Reverse in Hindi and Urdu - 'Sare jahan se achhchha Hindustan hamara' literally says 'Better than all the world is our India']


[Below: Newspaper article from after the war during the Indian uprising.]