[Below: Serbian volunteers, 1941.]

[Below: Chechniks.]

[Below: Chechnik squad with skull flag photographed by Italian troops during anti-guerrilla operations against communist partisans.]

[Below: Chetnik duke Stevan Damjanovic Leko with Waffen-SS Prinz Eugen soldiers, circa 1944.]

[Below: Chetnik duke Stevan Damjanovic Leko with Waffen-SS Prinz Eugen soldiers, circa 1944.]

[Below: Chetnik duke Stevan Damjanovic Leko with Waffen-SS.]

[Below: Chetnik volunteers for the Waffen-SS.]

[Below: Chetnik volunteers for the Waffen-SS with their German comrades.]

[Below: Chetnik volunteers with German comrade(s) posing on a tank. Note the German tank crew member to the far left, front row, next to the guy pointing a rifle at the camera! I can't say I've seen another WWII photo of someone pointing a firearm at the camera, can you? Anyway, the German tank crew member is easily recognized by, among other clues, his collar tabs, seen below.]

[Below: German tanker collar tabs.]