[Above: Postal souvenir sheet depicting a soldier protecting his family.]

[Above: A different version of the stamp design above from 1940.]

[Above: Close-up.]

[Above: Postcard canceled on November 13, 1943.]

[Above: Close-up.]

[Above: Philatelic postcard canceled on June 3, 1943.]

[Above: Close-up.]

[Above: Feldpost (soldier mail) postcard canceled in July 1944.]

[Above: Reverse of postcard.]

[Above: Close-up.]

[Above: Feldpost (soldier mail) postcard canceled in July 1943.]

[Above: Reverse of postcard.]

[Above: Very rare 20f imperforate variety. This postage stamp mourns the death of the son of the Regent of Hungary, who was a pilot that died fighting on the Eastern Front.]

[Above: Very rare 30f imperforate variety. This postage stamp mourns the death of the son of the Regent of Hungary, who was a pilot that died fighting on the Eastern Front.]

[Above: Miklós Horthy (Hungarian admiral and statesman who served as Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary) and his wife with Adolf Hitler.
This German postcard celebrates Horthy's visit to Germany. Circa 1938.]

[Above: Miklós Horthy and Adolf Hitler double postcard.]

[Above: Arrow Cross Party poster]

[Above: The 25th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS 'Hunyadi' (1st Hungarian).]

[Above: John Hunyadi (1406 - August 11, 1456). Hunyadi was a leading military and political figure. He was a great protector of Europe against the Ottoman invaders in the 15th century.]

[Above: 'Independence'. Circa 1942.]

[Above: 'United against bolshevism for the survival of Europe and Hungary'. Circa 1944.]

[Above: '...For Victory']

[Above: 'Magyarság' (Hungarians) was a Hungarian National Socialist newspaper of the Arrow Cross Party. It was edited by László Baky and had Ferenc Szálasi, leader of the Nyilaskeresztes Párt – Hungarista Mozgalom (Arrow Cross Party - Hungarist Movement), among its authors. The slogan 'Kitartás! Gyozünk!' means 'Persistance! Victory!']

[Above: Arrow Cross Party.]

[Above: 'Trust in him!' Circa 1943.]

[Above: 'Our country. Our future. The Hungarian Red Cross.']

[Above: 'We believe in you!']

[Above: 'Village after village the bolsheviks destroy nations']

[Above: 'Comrade we need you to work on the home front']

[Above: Arrow Cross party poster.]

[Above: Ferenc Szálasi and the Arrow Cross party.]

[Above: Note the Arrow Cross party symbol on his breast]

[Above: 'Your labor will shorten the war'.]

[Above: 'The red terror against our country, we are fighting and we will win!'
Check out the commie monster's feet, they are tanks!!!]

[Above: ...]

[Above: ...]

[Above: This poster talks about the importance of caring for crops.]

[Above: This poster advertises an anti-bolshevism exhibition.]

[Above: ...]

[Above: 'Comrade you can do it!']

[Above: 'For homeland defense steady your aim.']

[Above: This is the cover of a magazine.]

[Above: 'You want to be sent to Siberia? Then work and fight for victory.' (This refers to what would happen if the communists win)]

[Above: ...]

[Above: 'Remember you fight for your people and your family in an unknown land'.]

[Above: 'The league for air defense is counting on you'.]

[Above: 'This will be our destiny if the Reds win'.]

[Above: 'Your work is an effort for the war in the east'.]

[Above: 'Victory'.]

[Above: This cartoon, from a Budapest, Hungary, publication shows the Jew as puppet master. It shows the rich Jew manipulating all of society.]

[Above: 'Rendszer' means 'system'.

[Above: This postal label is from 1971. It was produced to show solidarity between Hungary's Arrow Cross party and the German National Socialists. It was produced by a Hungarian political party.]

[Above: Here is a sheet of anti-communist advertising stamps from the 'Hungarian Catholic League of America'.]