
'Everything these Golem attempt, to make the world forget Adolf Hitler and his comrade Rudolf Hess – Prisoner of the Myth, inventing their morbid fabrications and dissimulations so as to render the Myth illegitimate, will not have the desired effect, even going so far to use hypnotic influences on the masses will fail. Esoteric Hitlerism will win. His return is inevitable. It will prevail; helped by the very things the Golem do to fight against it. Jehovah and his Golem will annihilate each other within their automatized Universe, together with the society of ants they foster. That will be the end of the Kali Yuga.'
–MANU: For The Man To Come, Miguel Serrano

[Below: A young Miguel Serrano, unknowing of the great destiny awaiting him]

[Below: Miguel Serrano and Waffen-SS hero Léon Degrelle]

[Below: Serrano with Indian Prime Minister Nehru.]

[Below: Serrano (left) with Indian Prime Minister Nehru, May 1957.]

[Below: Miguel Serrano with Indira Gandhi, 1962.]

[Below: Serrano in India.]

[Below: Miguel Serrano and Chilean poet-diplomat and politician Pablo Neruda, 1960.]

[Below: Serrano with Hermann Hesse.]

[Below: Serrano with Hermann Hesse.]

[Below: Serrano (seated bottom left) in his role as Chilean Ambassador to India, 1957.]

[Below: Serrano, as seen in the shot above.]

[Below: Serrano with the queen of England.]

[Below: Serrano (left) with Chilean historian Francisco Antonio Encina, 1950.]

[Below: Seranno (4th from left) with Nita de Pierrefeu, Arthur Guirdham and friends at Montsegur.]

[Below: Note the SS flag in the background...]

[Below: Miguel and José Serrano with the Dalai Lama, 1959.]

[Below: Miguel Serrano and the Dalai Lama after the Funeral of Indira Gandhi in 1984.]

[Below: Serrano, third from right, with a big smile on his face.]

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'In the mystery of the light of the black sun, the divine hero, hanging on the cosmic tree of crucifixion, dies and is reborn. Only when all men, animals, plants and rocks have cried with their last tears, clamouring for his return, with men and the earth dying, poisoned, will the luminous divine face of the God-Man be seen again.'
-Miguel Serrano

[Below: One of my favorite photos of Serrano... it's infused with magick.]

[Below: Here's a bit larger version.]

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[Below: This rally was held to celebrate the 100th birthday of Adolf Hitler]

[Below: This rally was held to celebrate the 100th birthday of Adolf Hitler]

[Below: Beautiful...]

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[Below: This is a film still from an interview]

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'Now the global plan is being carried out in its smallest details, after the momentary defeat of exoteric (not esoteric) Hitlerism, and it is considered necessary, without recourse to the final destruction that will close the cycle, to annihilate two or more generations of youths.
This has been done with drugs, with orientalist doctrines that preach the loss of the persona, with pacifism, fantasy and every kind of pernicious and false occultism, with the hippies, with the music of the Beatles, with rock, this Negro-Jewish “music”, with homosexuality, bisexuality, feminism, lesbianism and all the degeneracy and pornography promoted by Jew propaganda and press.
And with murderous and cowardly terrorism as well. They have made the young people into idiots, degenerates, with illnesses mental and physical, and all of it fostered by the World Center of Degeneracy, the United States of America and her henchmen and accomplices in Moscow. The result has been that the same old boys as always, the instruments of the Great Plan, can continue manipulating the business and politics of the world, to bring it to its final annihilation, or its total enslavement.'

-Miguel Serrano

[Below: Serrano stands here in front of his altar of sorts to Adolf Hitler. This beautiful and esoteric arrangement can be seen more in the photos that follow. Its arrangement changes with each photo.]

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'There is no other way to reach immortality, which is not for all, but only for some few able to fight this battle, the true Combat, this war, the true Great War. Therefore we who are here are warriors of an Order without time, without age...'
-Miguel Serrano

[Below: ...]

[Below: Serrano is in white with sword.]

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[Below: Serrano on the left... is that the queen of England?]

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[Below: Wow! Now that is a bed!]

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[Below: The picture behind Serrano is of American poet Ezra Pound]

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[Below: The picture behind Serrano here is a young Adolf Hitler-taken from a class photo]

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[Below: Is this Serrano? It sure looks like him and is attributed to him. If it is him, why is he wearing a priest's collar?]

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[Below: Funeral of Miguel Serrano.]

[Below: Funeral of Miguel Serrano.]

[Below: Funeral of Miguel Serrano.]

[Below: Gravestone of Miguel Serrano:

'Oh, Estrella de la Manana! Deja caer Sobre mit tu luz Honda Homedecida.'
(O Star of the Morning! Let fall upon me thy light, O Lord of the Morning Star.)]

[Below: A better view.]

[Below: .mp4 of segment I of Miguel Serrano's funeral]

[Below: .mp4 segment II of Miguel Serrano's funeral]


'As with men, it has always seemed to me that books have their own peculiar destinies. They go towards the people who are waiting for them and reach them at the right moment. They are made of living material and continue to cast light through the darkness long after the death of their authors.'
–Miguel Serrano