Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

     Nine pages and growing. These pages have grown a life of their own. Living. Breathing. Bleeding.

'I do not believe that the churches will continue to exist in their present form.
In the future religion will be called National Socialism.
Its prophet, its pope, its Jesus Christ, will be called Adolf Hitler.'

-Alois Spaniol (September 19, 1904 - January 1959), in a January 1935 speech.

'National Socialism represents a world-idea that will be accepted by all peoples.'
-James Battersby, The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler, 1952

James Battersby continued on this truth:
'Each continent and nation will construct its own form of National Socialism...'

  • National Socialism, as we know and revere it, began as a German conception, but as time went on its truth was exported to other nations, even strengthening and inspiring other countries who had budding movements of their own. The entire world was enthralled by Adolf Hitler's miraculous rebuilding of Germany. The great sword of Adolf Hitler was National Socialism, a logical and nature-based system which forged a utopia not seen perhaps ever on this earth. This new system was more than just a political system. It was a way of life. It provided simple answers to life's questions. It was bluntly honest and strove to perfect itself. It lived and flourished for twelve short years. But within those brief years it accomplished unheard of things. Its social systems were a model to true happiness. The abolishment of usury was a dream come true. Germany was removed from the artificial international gold standard. The new German currency was based on actual work. When a company succeeded, the worker succeeded with it. During Adolf Hitler's first four years in office unemployment was reduced from 6 million to 900,000 people. The GDP increased by 102% (GDP = gross domestic product is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period). Likewise, under Adolf Hitler the per capita income astonishingly doubled! Further, inflation which had wrecked the country and most of the world, was reduced by 25% per year.

    'The working class positively benefited from Hitler's rule, under which the standard of living was raised till it became the highest in Europe.'
    -Hugh Trevor-Roper

  • Adolf Hitler gave Germany the revolutionary Autobahn. He also gave workers the chance to own their own car by a simple workplace saving system. Additionally the worker was given the 'Strength through Joy' program starting in 1933, the year of Adolf Hitler's election. This enormously generous social program enabled the common man to have affordable, many times free, leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and even cruises to other countries!

    The great British political soldier and writer Colin Jordan wrote:

    'Hitler was right in believing in extensive social welfare for all members of the folk community. The NSDAP's "Strength through Joy" organization had by 1938 enabled over 22 million to visit theaters, over 18 million to attend film performances, over 6 million to attend concerts, over 3 million to attend factory exhibitions, and no less than 50 million to take part in cultural events. The organization had 230 establishments for popular education, and through it 62,000 educational events were arranged, being attended by 10 million people. By 1938, 490,000 had been given sea cruises, and 19 million had been given land excursions. 21 million had taken part in sporting events. All this at a time when the democracies left millions of unemployed to rot, and those who were employed received nothing remotely comparable to such welfare. The best-selling car in history—more than 15 million of the Volkswagen "Beetle" in over 30 countries—resulted from Hitler's project of a people's car, a small inexpensive car for the ordinary man. Connected with this, his Autobahn construction-program preceded Britain's by decades.'

    [Above: Colin Jordan (June 19, 1923 – April 9, 2009) at the platform of the NSM (National Socialist Movement) Trafalgar Square rally, July 1, 1962.]

  • It is very important to observe that many of the National Socialist leaders were artists before becoming politicians. They were idealists and dreamers. They looked at what was wrong in the world and thought about how they could change it. Nothing was impossible to them. They thought about what was best, not for themselves, but for the people. The people meant everything. They were the big picture. The individual was temporary. They based their new system on what was best for the people. This was something unheard of in the greed-driven capitalist world around them. They put the mother and child on a pedestal. They recognized that the mother imbued values and life long habits into her child. That child was the future.

  • They put magic back into the lives of men. They gave us back our pagan past. For the first time men could think about their future without fear. Adolf Hitler brought out the best in man.
    He was a living symbol. Realer than real.

  • It's hard to imagine such a place in today's rotten, decadent world. Darkness lay all around us. Fighters for truth are rare. Rarer still those that even care. Most have been system-made and engineered into selfish robots. Violent monsters roam our decaying streets. Their souls are drowned in Novocain, numb to the growing evil around them. Their only care: themselves. Their own petty little desires. Their own tiny little world of nothing. They are raising the next generation of monsters. Monsters a little bit more monstrous than themselves. Perfect servants to the tyrants controlling and destroying us.

  • The outcome of WWII had ripple effects throughout the world and its future. Darkness, victorious, became bolder than ever. It began systems to destroy the host nations that had brought it victory. It began slowly poisoning the public with its lies and propaganda. WWII was a fratricidal and genocidal war fought to destroy the only country that could have stopped them.

    I wonder if the American soldiers who thought they were fighting for good would recognize America today? They would be horrified. Everything Germany and Adolf Hitler warned them about came to be. The truths of National Socialism are striking and very real. As relevant today as they were yesterday, but more so. We're in the age they dreaded. The hydra of their nightmares now has a million heads. Their human cattle are slaughtered for slogans. A horrible mass of mindless and medicated humanity that believes all their tyrants tell them.

  • But there are the free-thinkers, those that dare to seek the truth, those brave and priceless golden souls that fight against the tide, risking their freedom and their lives. They looked around themselves at a world they didn't belong in. They felt alien. Out of time. As if they were born in the wrong age. And it only got worse. The alienation from society at large and its popular culture. The growing darkness embitters those that fight it. It brings cynicism. A deep and directed hatred for the killers of this world. But most of all a deep and wondrous love for the world of the past before democracy's bombs. A profound respect and adoration for the man who had had enough and almost changed the world. The festering specter of all the world's woe almost defeated...

  • Evil won a battle of a larger war. They celebrated the fall of goodness and stomped their filthy feet on our holy flags. They raped our wombs in the ruins of our cities. Their vengeful laughter resounded the whole dead world. But they underestimated us. They thought us dead, truth done. But our iron creed was endless love. A love that cannot die. A love that was only hardened in the fires of their bombs. But they also taught us hate. A hate for them almost to match our love.

  • The truth-seeker eventually finds Adolf Hitler and later National Socialism. Adolf Hitler is the symbol of our resistance. Our battery to recharge in this vampire world. A rallying point for free men and women the world over. An eternal reminder that the enemy's time is almost over. His divine spirit is with us, renewing our faith in mankind. Regenerating our tired warriors' souls. A lighthouse in a dark ocean of the dead.

    And to the enemies of earth:
    You cannot stop us.
    It is already too late.
    His birth signaled your end.
    The Age of Darkness is ending.
    The first rays of a new tomorrow, free of you, are beginning to break.

    Eternally, the world whispers, Heil Hitler!

    [Above: Wang Jingwei]

  • Wang Jingwei (Wang Ching-wei; May 4, 1883 – November 10, 1944) was a Chinese politician and anti-communist who eventually rose to be the President of the Republic of China (Nanjing regime) from March 20, 1940 until his death on November 10, 1944.

    [Above: Wang Jingwei, 1930.]

  • Jingwei was active in politics most of his life. When he was a young man he was imprisoned for plotting the assassination of the regent, Prince Chun. At his trial he proudly admitted his guilt. He remained in prison from 1910 until the Wuchang Uprising the following year. Upon his release he became a national hero.

    [Above: Wang Jingwei receiving German diplomats while head of state in 1941.]

  • In the start of the 1920s, Jingwei held a variety of posts in Sun Yat-sen's Revolutionary Government in Guangzhou. In 1925, after Sun Yat-sen's death, he was considered one of the main contenders to replace him as leader of the Revolutionary Government, but eventually he lost control of the party and army to Chiang Kai-shek.

    He served in various governments during the turbulent 1920s and 1930s. China was splitting into pieces, torn apart by communism and various factions in-fighting.

    Jingwei had constant disputes with nationalist leader Chiang Kai-Shek. For years the two of them struggled for power. Eventually Jingwei was forced into exile to Germany. During his exile in the mid-1930s he is known to have some contact with Adolf Hitler, although it is relatively unknown the level of their relationship.

    In December 1935, back in China, Jingwei permanently left the premiership after being severely wounded from an assassination attempt a month earlier.

    [Above: Wang Jingwei, Hideki Tojo and Subhas Chandra Bose in Tokyo, 1943.]

  • Jingwei fled with Chiang Kai-Shek's government on its retreat to Chongqing during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). Although initially he had worked with communists when it furthered his aims, he was now known to be strongly anti-communist. During his time in Chongqing he organized some right-wing groups under European fascist lines inside the government.

    Jingwei was pessimistic about the war with Japan. He believed that China needed to reach a negotiated settlement with Japan so that Asia could resist Western Powers.

    [Above: Asian heads of state who attended the Greater East Asia Conference in Tokyo. Left to right : Ba Maw, Zhang Jinghui, Wang Jingwei, Hideki Tojo, Wan Waithayakon, José P. Laurel, Subhas Chandra Bose.]

  • In late 1938, Jinghui left Chongqing for Hanoi, French Indochina (Vietnam), where he stayed for three months and announced his support for a negotiated settlement with the Japanese. During his stay in Indochina he was wounded again in an assassination attempt by government assassins. This was the catalyst he needed. Wang flew to Shanghai and entered into negotiations with the Japanese authorities. The Japanese invasion had presented him the opportunity he had long dreamed of. Finally, it was time to establish a new government outside of Chiang Kai-shek's control.

    [Above: Wang Jingwei on the cover of Time Magazine, March 18, 1935.]

  • On March 30, 1940, Wang Jingwei became the head of state of what was known as the Reorganized National Government of China. In November 1940, the Jingwei government signed the 'Sino-Japanese Treaty' with the Japanese. The next year, in June 1941, Wang gave a public radio address from Tokyo where he praised Japan, criticized the Nationalist Chinese government, and pledged to work with Japan to resist communism and Western imperialism.

    Jingwei's 'Government of National Salvation of the Republic of China', was born on the Three Principles of Pan-Asianism, anti-communism, and opposition to Chiang Kai-shek. Wang continued his contacts with German National Socialists and Italian Fascists, which he had established while in exile, throughout the next years until his death.

    [Above: Wang Jingwei in battle dress, 1940s.]

  • In March 1944, Jingwei went to Japan for medical treatment for the wound from the 1939 assassination attempt. He died in Nagoya on November 10, 1944. The assassins, at last, had killed him.

    Jingwei Wang was buried in Nanjing in a marvelous tomb. Shortly after Japan's defeat, the Chinese government under Chiang Kai-shek moved its capital back to Nanjing and destroyed Wang's tomb, vengefully burning his remains. Most of Jingwei's senior government were executed at the end of the war for treason.

    [Above: Chinese soldier of the Japanese-sponsored Nanjing government with a ZB vz. 26 light machine gun. Up to 800,000 Chinese joined the Japanese in their fight against communism. 800,000!]

    [Above: Machine gun toting Chinese volunteers to the Japanese army serving as security troops in Japanese occupied Shanghai, December 1941.]

  • Japan's war with China has been characterized by alleged Japanese atrocities. Like their German counterparts, the Japanese have been vilified without end. There is no doubt that the war in China was savage and brutal beyond imagination, but Western media, with its agenda to demonize the Axis, only portrays one side of the war. The communist Chinese and Nationalist forces, the Warlords and criminal gangs, the black marketeers and bandits, are forgotten. No, they are angels, in fact. But of course this is complete bullshit.

    The reality was that the war in China was supremely bloody and violent as hell. All the forces involved were guilty of savagery at times. Such is war. But like the old saying goes:
    'The victors decide who the war criminals are.'

    While the Japanese and Chinese weren't butchering one another there was also mercy and a gentle humanity.

    [Above: Japanese soldiers give water to a Chinese baby.]

    [Above: A Japanese Army soldier gives a dying horse a drink of water from his canteen during the opening stages of the Battle of Shanghai.]

    [Above: Japanese soldiers with civilians in Canton City, 1940.]

    [Above: Chinese volunteer lighting the cigarettes of two Japanese soldiers.]

    [Above: Chinese children playing in a Japanese army sidecar. One of the children holds the stock to a type 11 light machine gun. Shanghai, 1937.]

    [Above: Two nuns bandage the head of a wounded Chinese prisoner while a Japanese soldier looks on.]

    There you have it. Those strange moments of humanity in hell.

  • Click here to see more pictures of humanity in hell

    [Above: Note the patch on this Arab volunteer's arm]

  • The Germans formed the 'Kommando Deutsch-Arabische Truppen' also known as 'KODAT' in January of 1943. It was formed in Tunisia and by the middle of the next month it had two battalions of Arab volunteers from Tunisia, a Moroccan battalion and an Algerian battalion. It also included elements of the French Phalange Africaine. Over 3000 men volunteered.

    [Above: Men of the KODAT, bayonets at the ready. They are serving with the Luftwaffe. Note their sleeve patches are the same as the one above.]

  • The Sonderverband 287 designated 'Deutsch-Arabische Lehr Abteilung' was also a part of KODAT. It was formed in July 1941 in Sonium, Greece, by Sonderstab F and was made up of Arab volunteers, which were mainly former POWs from the British and French armies. It was sent to the Caucasus region in September 1942 where it saw action against the communist army before being sent to Palermo, Italy in November. The next year it was sent to Tunisia in January 1943. There it was used to recruit other Arabs for auxiliary units. These units had a wide variety of functions, like guard duty, rear action units or as construction troops. They were primarily equipped with Vichy French uniforms and rifles.

    [Above: The KODAT seen above on the march.]

  • KODAT also contained many Palestinians, Iraqis, Tunisians as well as Muslim Arabs of France. Some of them later served in anti-partisan operations in the Caucasus and Greece. The second German-Arab battalion, the 845th Infantry Battalion, also served in the Balkans.

    [Above: Grenades being handed out, somewhere in Greece.]

    [Above: Unfortunately we can only see a tease of the unit flag he's holding.]

    [Above: Men of Sonderverband 287 preparing an operation.]

    [Above: Prince Louis II (July 12, 1870 – May 9, 1949)]

  • Prince Louis II of the tiny nation of Monaco had strong sympathies toward Vichy France during WWII, due in part because of his old army comrade Philippe Pétain, the leader of France. Prince Louis II was a general in the French army but had been brought up in Germany. From his years in Germany he made many friends and became well connected with German aristocracy. Although he tried to keep his country neutral eventually the war would change all of that.

    [Above: Postage stamp from 1941]

  • A great part of the population of Monaco was of Italian descent and many of them strongly supported the fascist regime of Italy's Benito Mussolini. Despite this Monaco remained neutral and even after Germany defeated France Monaco's neutrality was respected and the country was left alone.

    Italian troops however marched straight through Monaco and occupied it after declaring war on France in June 1940, though this occupation was only temporary and once again Monaco was left alone.

    [Above: A youth from Monaco applies stickers in support of Adolf Hitler and Mussolini to a bookstore window. November 1942.]

  • On July 3, 1941 Prince Louis II passed a law that required all Jews in Monaco to register themselves and several criminals and Allied spies were handed over to Vichy France for prosecution.

    The Prince also engaged in many money dealings with Germany and Italy. He was said to have sold German shares to Germany at highly overvalued prices. Obviously the Germans wanted to keep the Prince as an ally.

    [Above: A painting of Prince Louis II]

  • In 1943 Monaco was occupied by the Italian army, who set up a fascist government administration. After the king of Italy betrayed the Axis and submitted to Allied control the Germans quickly took over administration of Monaco from the Italians. They remained from September 8, 1943, to September 3, 1944.

    [Above: Princess Antoinette (December 28, 1920 – March 18, 2011)]

  • In 1943, during the German emergency administration of Monaco, Princess Antoinette fell in love with a German officer and intended on marrying him until her grandfather Louis II intervened and decreed 'this young girl will not marry anyone as long as the war continues.'

    After the Germans left Monaco communists took advantage of the resulting chaos and became a part of the 'liberation' government.

    To this day many of the files regarding Prince Louis' alliances with Germany are sealed by Monaco. They, like many other governments around the world, are afraid of the truth. The truth being many nations saw Germany and the Axis as a liberating force and happily worked with them. Countless files are still sealed around the world. Freedom. Democracy. Secrets. Secrets. Secrets. Secrets the common man isn't trusted to know. Secrets that would harm the Judeo-capitalist story of WWII. Secrets that would show that the real good guys lost WWII. Under the system which prevailed after WWII we've all been made into a herd of human animals which work their lives away yet don't get any richer. A herd of sleeping cattle who endlessly are in debt to usurious and predatory banks. Those age-old vampire-like tyrants will do anything to keep their piles of gold and power. They've been blowing up the world for centuries and have no plans on stopping. All to keep a tiny, tiny minority insanely rich. Ridiculous that people don't rise up and end this madness once and for all. That's what they did in Germany with Adolf Hitler. They ended usury and predatory practices against the people. It's time the world takes this example and sends these false kings and their collaborators to hell.

    [Above: Meinoud Rost van Tonningen]

  • Meinoud Marinus Rost van Tonningen (February 19, 1894 – June 6, 1945) was a Dutch politician in the NSB (National Socialist Movement). Being a National Socialist, he worked closely with the Germans during the occupation of the Netherlands.

    Rost van Tonningen was born in the Dutch East Indies on the island of Surabaya (now Indonesia). He went to the University of Leiden after high school to study law.

    He later (1923-1928 and 1931-1936) went on to work as a representative of the League of Nations in Vienna, and it was there that he began to see the utter corruption of the financial world. His job was to monitor the Austrian financial policy. He realized that a huge portion of the world's wealth was in a tiny minority of the world's population and it consisted mainly of people of Jewish origin. He also saw the threat that communism was to the world and he began his life-long battle against it.

    Rost van Tonningen returned to the Netherlands in 1936 and became a member of the NSB. That same year he won a seat in Parliament and was the leader of his parliamentary party. He saw the beauty of National Socialist Germany and saw it as an ideal and model for the Netherlands to follow.

    He became the editor-in-chief for the NSB party newspaper Het Nationale Dagblad and was able to share with his fellow NSB members the light that National Socialist Germany was to the world.

    In 1939 Rost van Tonningen built a paramilitary organization called the Mussert Guards (named for the leader of the NSB Anton Mussert). Admirably, many of the members of the Mussert Guards later went on to join the Nederlandsche SS.

    When Germany occupied the Netherlands, Arthur Seyss-Inquart tasked Rost van Tonningen with the job of removing the dangerous communist organizations from the country. He also was appointed as Secretary-General of the Finance ministry and President of the Dutch National Bank.

    Rost van Tonningen trained to be an officer in the first battalion in a Dutch paramilitary defense organization called Landstorm Nederland in the summer of 1944. In March of 1945 he joined the other brave men fighting for the very soul of Europe at the frontlines, which ran right through the Netherlands.

    Alas, he was taken prisoner by Canadian troops on May 8, 1945. He was only in the prison camps of the Allies for less than a month when he supposedly committed suicide by jumping from a balcony.

    He left behind the love of his life, Florentine Rost van Tonningen, who was convinced that her husband was tortured and murdered by the democratic 'liberators' and valiant defenders of usury. She had good reason to believe this, the quote below illustrates the dark and terrible crime.

    'I never received official notice of my husband's death, which authorities later claimed was a suicide. They have never produced any evidence to support this claim: the records pertaining to my husband have been sealed until the year 2069. I was presented, however, with a bill from the municipal sanitation service of The Hague, for on June 6, 1945, the day of my husband's death, his remains were transferred, first from the prison to a hospital and then to a cemetery, in a garbage truck.'
    -Florentine Rost van Tonningen, the Ninth IHR Conference, February 18-20, 1989 in Huntington Beach, California.

    [Above: Meinoud and his beautiful and loyal bride Florentine on their wedding day. Heinrich Himmler was the best man and Adolf Hitler is said to have kissed the wedding ring!]

  • Click here to see more pictures of Meinoud and Florentine

    In the decades following Meinoud's death his widow Florentine fought for the truth ceaselessly. She kept her husband and soul mate's name alive by writing many books and giving speeches. She was a warrior for National Socialism until her death in 2007.

  • View a selection of autographed books and pictures by Florentine van Tonningen - H E R E -

  • Willem "Wim" Heubel (June 7, 1910 – April 28, 1945) was the valiant brother of Florentine. He died in the closing days of the war on the battlefield defending Europe from invading Allied hordes.

    [Above: Wim Heubel ]

    [Above: Wim Heubel on the day of his marriage to Ans van de Berge, August 9, 1943.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of Wim Heubel

    [Above: Men of The Light Transport Brigade]

  • The Legione Croata Autotrasportabile, as it was known in Italian; the Laki prijevozni zdrug, in Croatian; and in English The Light Transport Brigade, was a Croatian Home Guard military unit which courageously fought alongside the Royal Italian Army on the Eastern Front.

    This incredible unit was attached to the 8th Italian Army, which in turn was subordinate to German Army Group B. These men were a remarkable symbol of brotherhood and cooperation.

    The unit was first formed by an Italian request in July 1941. The unit was assembled and moved to Italy in December, where it underwent training. Upon completion of their training the unit was visited by Croatian field marshal Slavko Kvaternik. By April 1942 it reached the frozen wasteland of the Eastern Front.

    [Above: Slavko Kvaternik (August 25, 1878 – June 7, 1947) was the 1st Minister of Armed Forces of the Independent State of Croatia and was one of the founders of the Ustaša movement.]

    [Above: On April 10, 1941 Slavko declared the creation of the Independent State of Croatia.]

  • The Legione Croata Autotrasportabile fought on heroically until December 1942 when it was destroyed by the overwhelming numbers of the communist Red Army. This epic group of men, like so many others fighting back the darkness of communism on the horrible Eastern Front, were like Spartans of old. Their tired bodies could fight no more, they had given all for Europe. They died in the Don River Region.

    [Above: An SPA 38 R light truck -- somewhere on the Eastern Front.]

    [Above: Stamps issued to honor the fallen heroes of The Legione Croata Autotrasportabile. The surcharge went to the families of the fallen soldiers.
    Note that the soldiers of this unit wore Italian helmets instead of the traditional German style.
    Souvenir sheets were also issued. Click on the above image to see examples.]

    [Above: Hekmet Fahmy]

  • Hekmet Fahmy (1907 - 1974) was a very famous dancer in her day. She toured with Ali El Kassar's theater group in the 1920s. It only took a few short years before Fahmy was the most sought after dancer in Cairo. In fact she got so famous that she danced before the rich and famous of many countries. This enabled her to form relationships and links with many important people. Links that would help her later to fight on the side of National Socialist Germany. Her weapon: espionage.

    Hekmet was a well-known Egyptian nationalist, and as such, she naturally hated the British, who controlled Egypt at the time. In the early 1940s she met up with former boyfriend Johann Eppler. Eppler was the head of German intelligence (Abwehr) in Cairo. Although he was German he grew up in the port city Alexandria. His contacts were vast and included friendships with King Fuad and Prince Kemal of Egypt.

    [Above: Hekmet Fahmy.]

  • Hekmet and Eppler worked together in securing information from British officers. Hekmet used her considerable charms to woo several British officers. She was very successful in her duties and the two transmitted her information to Erwin Rommel.

    Sometime in 1942 the British arrested Hekmet and sentenced her to five years in prison. This ruined her career, by the time she was released from their dungeons she was forty years old. The young, dashing cabaret dancer was gone forever. She had been replaced by young girls who were already basking in the fame she once enjoyed.

    Hekmet starred in several movies, but they never went very far. Her days as a celebrity were over and she soon faded into legend. A great patriot who fought on the side of light against the enemy of mankind. For that, Hekmet Fahmy, you forever earned the lasting fame, love and admiration that you so desired in life.

    [Above: Hekmet Fahmy.]

    [Above: Postwar movie poster. Hekmet Fahmy starred in six movies from 1939 to 1947.]

    [Above: 1939 postcard from Luxembourg showing a German National Socialist flag, among others.]

    [Above: 1940 Luxembourg postage stamp with German overprint.]

    [Above: Luxembourg revenue stamp. Click to see documents.]

  • Luxembourg had several National Socialist and/or fascist organizations prior to WWII such as the Faschistische Partei Luxembourg, Luxemburgische Nationale Arbeiter- und Mittelstandsbewegung, and the more successful Luxembourger Volksjugend (LVJ)/Stoßtrupp Lützelburg, a National Socialist organization of young people who saw Adolf Hitler as their leader. The LVJ changed its name to the Volksjugend in 1940 and in 1941 was incorporated into the Hitlerjugend.

    Another organization of interest was the Luxemburger Gesellschaft für deutsche Literatur und Kunst (GEDELIT - 'Society for German Literature and Art'). The GEDELIT was founded in 1934 and was later led by high school teacher Damian Kratzenberg (November 5, 1878 – October 11, 1946), who taught Greek and German.

    [Above: Damian Kratzenberg]

  • Kratzenberg was president of the GEDELIT from 1935-1940 and was later the head of the Volksdeutsche Bewegung (VdB - Volksdeutsche Movement) in 1940 and also was appointed head of the Athénée de Luxembourg in 1941. In 1936, he received the Goethe-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft.

    [Above: The Goethe-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft or The Goethe-Medal for Art and Science was authorized by Reichspresident Paul von Hindenburg to commemorate the centenary of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's death on March 22, 1932.]

  • In October of 1946 Kratzenberg was murdered for 'collaboration'--I wonder if they also murdered the thousands of other people of Luxembourg who supported the Germans?

    'Luxembourgers, hear the call of blood! It tells you that you are German by race and by language...'
    -A statement by the Volksdeutsche Bewegung (VdB) which aimed to reunite Luxembourg with the Reich.

    By August of 1942 one third of the population was a member in the VdB!

    [Above: A police officer from Luxembourg salutes Heinrich Himmler during his visit to Luxembourg in 1940. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]

  • After a series of smashing victories Germany began a very successful recruiting campaign in Luxembourg in June 1940. German reports state that from 1,500 to 2,000 Luxembourgers had volunteered by August 1942 for the German armed forces, including 300 for the Schutzstaffel (SS).

    [Above: A Flakhelfen (Flak-helper) from Luxembourg manning anti-aircraft defenses during WWII.]

  • In August of 1942 Luxembourg was officially incorporated into the German Reich. As everywhere in the world, conscription began. Some 12,000 or so men were conscripted, of which 2,752 fell in action, many of which no doubt died fighting communism on the Eastern Front.

    Due to the fact that Luxembourg was regarded as a part of the Reich there existed no Luxembourg Waffen-SS Legion. Therefore, unfortunately, there is no specific data and only vague information as to where most of these men served.

    [Above: German postcard overprinted for use in Luxembourg.]

  • In early September 1944, around 10,000 people left Luxembourg with the German civil administration, who were fleeing the Allied orgy of destruction. After the war there was the usual Judeo-Allied vengeance. Thousands were arrested, some of which were executed, others were forced into slave labor and others still had their possessions stolen from them, not to mention their means to make a livelihood. Is this democracy? Not on paper, but it is in action.

    [Above: Envelope from Luxembourg dating from August 13, 1941. It is philatelic, having an odd mixture of stamps from different regions/countries. The stamps are: Germany, Luxembourg and the newly liberated territories of Elsaß (Alsace) and Lothringen (Lorraine). Note the phenomenal 'HITLER VICTORIOUS' red stamp!]

    [Above: This tinnie, released in Luxemberg in 1942, says 'Erster Kreistag Luxemburg 1942' (First District Council of Luxembourg 1942).]

  • Click here to see more pictures of postage items from Luxembourg

    [Above: King Edward the VIII]

  • Edward VIII (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David June 23, 1894 – May 28, 1972) was king of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Empire, and Emperor of India, from January 20, 1936 until his abdication on December 11, 1936. Edward was the first born son of King George V and Queen Mary. At 16 years old he became the Prince of Wales when his grandfather died and his father became the king. During WWI he served in the British Armed Forces.

    Edward was the next in line to become the king when his father died on January 20, 1936. Only a few months after being crowned as king Edward proposed marriage to an American woman named Wallis Simpson. She was a beautiful woman who had unfortunately been divorced once and was in the process of divorcing her second husband. This caused great controversy in England. As king, Edward was the head of the Church of England, and it didn't allow divorced people to remarry while their ex-spouses were still alive. King Edward the VIII was left with a decision to either marry the woman he loved and abdicate his position or to remain king of England. He chose to marry Wallis and stepped down as king after 326 days. It has been speculated that the real reason why he was pushed into abdicating was because he sympathized with National Socialist Germany.

    [Above: Father Coughlin's newspaper Social Justice from March 1937 detailing King Edward being forced from the throne.]

    An FBI report stated:
    'The British were anxious to get rid of the Duke of Windsor
    [the title King Edward VIII took after stepping down], first and foremost because of his fondness for Nazi ideology.' There were powerful people in England and around the world that were hell bent on going to war with Germany. There were two main reasons for this; Germany had removed herself from the world financial market, abolishing usury, which made bankers unable to take advantage and profit from the work of the people. They wanted back in on this source of undeserved fortune. The second reason was that there were powerful war profiteers who were ready and waiting for a bloody war to fill their pockets.

    When King Edward stepped down and married Wallis he took the title of Duke of Windsor and Wallis became the Duchess of Windsor. The new couple took a trip to Germany and liked what they saw. Wallis was known to be friends with the German National Socialist Joachim von Ribbontrop. They happily met with Adolf Hitler at Berchtesgaden. The two men both understood what had happened to Europe and were eager to fight back the communist hordes threatening it. The Duke even used the National Socialist salute during his visit. Although the Duke was royalty, he had made waves in South Wales when he spoke out trying to help the unemployed coal miners. Adolf Hitler was a man of the people, of the worker. A leader like the Duke was exactly what the common man in Britain needed to be freed from the forces that kept them struggling and suffering to make ends meet. After the visit, it is said that Adolf Hitler said of the Duchess 'she would have made a good Queen.'

    [Above: The Duke of Windsor's visit to National Socialist Germany.]

    [Above: The Duke of Windsor's visit to National Socialist Germany.]

  • These two leaders may have even stopped the war had the Duke not abdicated the throne. Fellow National Socialist Albert Speer quoted Hitler as saying:
    'I am certain through him permanent friendly relations could have been achieved. If he had stayed, everything would have been different. His abdication was a severe loss for us.'
    Joseph Goebbels wrote of him, 'It is a shame he is no longer king. With him we would have entered into an alliance.'

    [Above: Adolf Hitler kissing the hand of the Duchess of Windsor.]

  • When WWII broke out the Duke was made a major-general in the British Military Mission in France. It was reported that the Duke warned the Germans of the Allied war plans in Belgium. Britain was incredibly worried that the Duke would interfere with their war by calling for peace and letting the Axis know of their plans. FBI files said that at a party in Vienna in 1937 the Duke informed an Italian diplomat that the Americans had cracked Italy's intelligence codes. Winston Churchill even recalled the Duke and Duchess back to British soil with a threat of a court martial. The couple was taken to the Bahamas where it was felt they would do the least damage.

    While in the Bahamas the Duke was determined to combat the poverty he saw on this British colony. He was praised by the natives for resolving wage disputes ending civil unrest on the islands. He reported that poverty and wage disputes causing so much trouble were caused by 'mischief makers-communists' and 'men of Central European Jewish descent who had secured jobs as a pretext for obtaining a deferment of draft.' In December of 1940 he was interviewed by an American journalist named Fulton Oursler. The Duke told Oursler that it would be tragic if Adolf Hitler was overthrown. He said that Hitler was not just the right and logical leader of the German people, but he was also a great man. He then asked Oursler, 'Do you suppose your President would consider intervening as a mediator when and if the proper time arrives?' Next he told Oursler, 'Tell Mr. Roosevelt that if he will make an offer of intervention for peace, that before anyone in England can oppose it, the Duke of Windsor will instantly issue a statement supporting it and that will start a revolution in England and force peace.' But of course the American President was one of the warmongers gladly accepting the blood on his hands of tens of millions, because without American involvement Germany surely would have been victorious. There was simply too much profit at stake for Mr. Roosevelt to consider a world without war.

    On May 28, 1972 the duke died while at his home in Paris at age 77. His body was returned to Britain to be buried in the Royal Burial Ground.

    [Above: Wallis Simpson (June 19, 1896 - April 24, 1986.]

  • The Duchess became a recluse after her husband's death. As she got older she was ill with dementia and lost the ability to speak. Her lawyer, a Jewish woman named Suzanne Blum, was quick to take power of attorney. She took items from the Duchess' estate and sold them cheap to her friends. Blum was accused of exploiting her client in the book 'The Last of the Duchess' by Caroline Blackwood. Hugo Vickers, the royal biographer described Blum as a 'Satanic figure… wearing the mantle of good intention to disguise her inner malevolence.' It is sad, this lawyer is precisely an example of the type of people the Duke, Duchess and of course the brave National Socialists they admired, tried to free people from.

    Wallis, the Duchess of Windsor died April 24, 1986 at her home in Paris.

    [Above: The British flag is prominently displayed during a gathering in Leipzig, 1930s. The German people never wanted war, and if the British people knew the truth that their government held back from them they wouldn't have either. Like the U.S.A., they were coerced and tricked into WWII.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor

    Below is a link to an article about other royal family members, including the future queen of England, showing their support of Germany and stiff arm saluting:

  • Click here to see pictures and read the article

  • In the early 1930s Afghanistan sought to modernize its country, particularly its transportation, communication and armed forces. Choosing not to involve Britain or the Soviet Union, it sought Germany's assistance. By 1935 German technical experts and business men had set up factories, infrastructures and hydroelectric projects for the Afghanistan government. Aid also came from Germany's future Axis partners Italy and Japan.

    During WWII King Mohammed Zahir Shah 'officially' proclaimed the neutrality of Afghanistan. Although unofficially large numbers of German non-diplomatic personnel remained active in the country. The prying Allies knew of this and demanded Afghanistan expel all non-diplomatic personnel from the Axis nations.

    The king and the government of Afghanistan were naturally insulted by this tyrannical demand. But the recent example of Iran was intimidating. Iran had been given a similar demand, denied it, was occupied and the king dethroned.

    Seeing no other choice, they heeded the ridiculous order and expelled all citizens of Axis countries.

    [Above: King Mohammed Zahir Shah.]

  • A telling document from the German Foreign Office best describes the situation. The document, dated October 3, 1940, is from State Secretary Weizsacker to the German legation in Kabul:

    'The Afghan minister called on me on September 30 and conveyed greetings from his minister president, as well as their good wishes for a favorable outcome of the war. He inquired whether German aims in Asia coincided with Afghan hopes; he alluded to the oppression of Arab countries and referred to the 15 million Afghans who were forced to suffer on Indian territory.

    'My statement that Germany's goal was the liberation of the peoples of the region referred to [those] who were under the British yoke... was received with satisfaction by the Afghan minister. He stated that justice for Afghanistan would be created only when the country's frontier had been extended to the Indus; this would also apply if India should secede from Britain... The Afghan remarked that Afghanistan had given proof of her loyal attitude by vigorously resisting English pressure to break off relations with Germany.'

    Once again, a victory of National Socialist Germany and the Axis meant freedom for the world. The end of usury, imperialism, predatory capitalism and Judeo-capitalism.

    [Above: A fascinating photograph showing the remnants of National Socialist German-Afghani cooperation during WWII. Those soldiers could almost be German! The picture shows commie Soviet boss Nikita Khrushchev (in black hat), and Marshal Nikolai Bulganin. They are reviewing an Afghan honor guard wearing old German uniforms, on their arrival in Kabul, Afghanistan, on December 15, 1955. At left is the Afghan Prime Minister Sardar Mohammed Daud Khan, and behind, in cap, the foreign minister, Prince Naim.]

    [Above: Mohammed Zahir Shah's portrait on a 1939 1000 AFGHANIS note.]

    'Liechtenstein for the Liechtensteiners!'
    -Slogan of The German National Movement in Liechtenstein

  • Like nearly all European countries of the era, Liechtenstein had its own National Socialist party called 'The German National Movement in Liechtenstein', or 'Volksdeutsche Bewegung in Liechtenstein' (VDBL). The VDBL operated between 1938 and 1945, forming after the Austrian Anschluss of 1938. The party supported an integration of Liechtenstein into the Greater German Reich. The party's newspaper was called 'Der Umbruch' (The Upheaval).

    [Above: The first leader of the VDBL, Rudolf Schädler, in his workshop. Schädler was a composer and carpenter.]

    [Above: The very first edition of the 'Der Umbruch' newspaper, October 1940. 'Kampfblatt der Volksdeutschen Bewegung in Liechtenstein' (Fighting Paper of the Ethnic German Movement in Liechtenstein). 'Umbruch und Neuordnung!' (Change and Reorganization!)]

    [Above: Der Umbruch, July 5, 1941. 'Widerstandskraft der Sowjetarmeen gebrochen!' (Resistance of the Soviet Armies Broken!)]

    [Above: Der Umbruch. 'An alle Mitglieder der Volksdeutschen Bewegung' (To all members of the Volksdeutsche Movement).]

    In March 1939, the VDBL staged a failed coup which resulted in the immediate arrest of its leaders. The party was also banned from participating in the 1939 elections. The main parties actually worked together to keep the election date secret.

    [Above: A National Socialist flag in Vaduz (the capital of Liechtenstein), circa 1938.]

    [Above: Graffiti on the walls of a prison where political prisoners were held, 1933.]

    [Above: Official stamp, circa 1937-1938]

    The VDBL was wounded and temporarily laid low for a while and a period of inactivity followed. In June 1940 the party rose to life once more under the leadership of Dr. Alfons Goop (October 15, 1910 - September 25, 1993).

    [Above: Dr. Alfons Goop]

  • During the early 1940s the VDBL battled strong Jewish powers within the country. The party was vocal regarding Jewish families in Liechtenstein spying for the Allies, breaking the country's neutrality.

    In 1943 the VDBL began a recruitment drive for the Waffen-SS. How many volunteers stepped forward is unknown, but most of them were assigned to the 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking.

    [Above: Crest of the Waffen-SS Wiking]

  • The VDBL deteriorated toward the end of the war with its leader Goop resigning. In 1946, its party leaders were prosecuted for the 1939 failed coup attempt. In 1947 Goop was found guilty of high treason and thrown into a dungeon for two and a half years.

    Perhaps the only sign of humanity the Liechtenstein government showed was when it gave asylum to approximately five hundred soldiers of the First Russian National Army (a volunteer force fighting with the German Wehrmacht) at the end of the war. This act saved these brave men's lives. The vast majority of their Russian brothers who also volunteered to fight communism were handed over to the Russian government to be slaughtered wholesale.

    Eventually, Argentina resettled the Russian asylum seekers. Most of these courageous warriors would never see their beloved Mother Russia again.

    [Above: Circa 1939]

    [Above: The symbolic meanings behind Algeria's flag are as follows:
    The white color represents peace and honesty;
    the green stands for the beauty of nature, hope, and joy;
    the red for the blood of those killed fighting for independence in the Algerian War (1954 to 1962).]

    [Above: Envelope from Vichy French Algeria, postmarked in May 1941, sent to the Vatican.]

    [Above: Close-up of Marshall Petain, the reluctant leader of Vichy France. A war hero of two world wars, the latter being unsung. For now.]

    [Above: Mohamed Al-Ma'adi.]

  • The enigmatic Mohamed al-Ma'adi (1903 - 1954), proclaimed in recent years as 'the father of Algerian National Socialism', was a many talented man and a staunch fighter for Algerian independence from French occupation.

    Al-Ma'adi was born in Constantine in 1903 from a family of Arab-Berber old nobility, his father being Mahfouz Al-Ma'adi. In 1922, as a student, he was active in politics and wrote for the North African Star. In 1929, after residing in France for some time, he returned to Algeria, later to be arrested in 1933 for his political activities.

    After spending some time in the French infantry and obtaining the rank of captain, he left the service in 1936. During these years he showed himself to be a capable soldier and officer, being a 'Knight of the Legion of Honor' and a holder of the 'Military Medal' and 'Croix de Guerre'. Despite all of this, he decided that he could not serve a power which enslaved so many through its colonial empire.

    In the years that followed Al-Ma'adi rallied continually for Algerian Independence and held strong anti-Jewish views. He gained contacts with various political groups and joined the CSAR (Social Committee of Revolutionary Action). Later the CSAR attempted a coup, and Al-Ma'adi ended up in prison for a short time. In 1938, he launched the newspaper 'Algeria News', which was only active for a short time due to the outbreak of WWII.

    Living in France during the German occupation of Northern France he joined the party of his friend Marcel Déat, the National Popular Rally. Soon after joining the National Popular Rally Al-Ma'adi organized the North African Committee and the Circle of North African Studies. During this same time he established strong contacts with Algerian independence circles in France.

    [Above: 'L'Afrique du Nord - Terre D'histoire' (North Africa, Land of History) was published in July 1943 by Al-Ma'adi.]

  • Excerpts from Al-Ma'adi's North Africa, Land of History:

    'To tell the truth to many [people] is the ambition of this small work... [I am] a revolutionary soldier and I expected the fight; I defend the past and the future of my race...

    Contrary to our critics, I do not harbor any vile sentiments. My [desire is] to make the truth known to men of good will and to try to get them out of the abyss where we have sunk because of evil and greed.

    New Europe requires men and not serfs, it takes bravery, talent, brains and not cowardice and newspaper articles. Bravery we have... we will take the place vacated by our ancestors. Following their example, we can produce all the treasures of the mind which disappeared with [them]. What do we want? [...] Our supreme ambition is to drive out, with native weapons in hand, the Anglo-Americans, Jews and all the traitors, whoever they are and whatever may be their situation. No mercy will soften the punishment, they punish us for imaginary crimes, they will be punished for real crimes[!]

    ...we are committed to hunt down the enemy of our homeland. We are also committed to occupy the spaces deserved by our talents. We have no ambition in any way to interfere in European affairs. [But instead], here, in the land of our forefathers... we want all civic and civil rights. We want to have the opportunity to reach all administrative posts, including the highest. In a word, we want to participate in the development of our own destiny.

    That said, our future status should include:
    1. The Federation of North Africa and administrative autonomy.
    2. The civic and civil equality of all people, except for the Jews.
    3. The participation of Muslims in the administration of the country with the possibility of access to all the posts, including the highest, with no conditions other than those of talent and ability.
    4. The creation of an autonomous army in which Muslims would get all ranks of the hierarchy.
    5. The creation of an independent merchant navy.
    6. The creation of trade corporations with absolute equality between corporations [...]
    7. Industrialization and equipment in the country (rural housing, means of communication, electricity, construction of schools, hospitals, recordings sources, drilling wells, etc., etc.
    8. Limited property right to the maximum of 500 hectares [Note: approximately 1,235 acres].
    9. Expulsion of the Jews and traitors without any individual consideration. Confiscation of their property as well as trusts...'

    [Above: 'Er-Rachid' (The Messenger), January 1943.]

  • With help from German comrades Al-Ma'adi published 'Er-Rachid' (The Messenger), a bi-monthly newspaper geared toward the Algerian community with a purported circulation of 100,000 copies. From the first issue, it announced its goal of the liberation of North Africa alongside Germany. Er Rachid was able to continue to print until August 1944.

    Each issue of The Messenger contained an editorial by Al-Ma'adi on the first page. There he was able to discuss his views on the historical happenings around him.

  • On August 5, 1943 he wrote on the cold truth of the Allies being much more racist than the Germans:
    'The Germans barely landed in Tunisia when an indigenous workforce was employed by their various services. This workforce had identical salaries to those of workers in the same category of France, Germany or Norway, while the other side, the "liberators", when they decided not to pay in funny money, offered from 10 to 18 francs for 12 hours of work... German soldiers and officers maintained the most correct and cordial relations with the natives. During a two-month stay in Tunisia, I [was able to record the experiences of the natives]. While in Tunis [under German control] public transport was free for everyone, [while] on the other side [the Allies] indigenous people [were forced to] travel in special wagons.'

  • On November 5, 1943 he wrote on the occupation of France:
    'For over three years, France has had the occupation of its territory by a victorious opponent. Whatever can be argued by the alleged patriots, the occupation is very benign. It could be draconian, but National Socialist Germany and its leader, however, were the opposite, leaving its sovereignty and patrimony [intact].'

  • Also on November 5, 1943 he wrote about the virtues of racial purity and the need for racial preservation:
    'I agree and advocate racism when it means selection and protection against miscegenation of a given breed in order to preserve its virtues. I condemn the racism disguised in democracies, under the cover of civilization...'

    [Above: 'Er-Rachid' (The Messenger), June 1943. This comic illustration shows an American and British soldier about to execute a North African.]

  • On May 3, 1944 Al-Ma'adi published an article entitled 'Racism and Xenophobia' by the famous writer and journalist Georges Suarez (murdered by the Judeo-French victors on November 9, 1944):
    '...racism like all doctrines has its false prophets. It was for Gobineau a way to defend the breed. [It is] for some... an instrument of hatred against others... [but the goal of positive] racism is that the breed still retains the characteristics of its history, and its relation to human progress. It does not destroy, but it renders to each his part to increase and make better contributions to the needs of humanity. Racism does not imply hatred between races, but stimulates the effort of all. It does not catalog the species, but selects it. It [embraces] biological laws, and nature's logic too long scorned...'

  • On May 20, 1943 Al-Ma'adi wrote about the North African peoples' affinity with Europe and the similarities of their dreams and goals:
    'Our intellectual and racial affinities are closer to Europe. Our Muslim ideals, compared with the National Socialist ideals of the New Europe prove - identical. During a recent trip to Tunisia, we studied and observed the German-Muslim relations. At no time in our existence have we found between the two peoples, regardless of age or differing cultures, such a current of sympathy and understanding.'

  • On October 10, 1943 Al-Ma'adi expresses his friendship and support of National Socialist Germany:
    'Our sympathy is always with National Socialist Germany who has always lavished its friendship on the oppressed Islam [which has been] shamelessly exploited by the democracies. Our commitment remains steadfast in revolutionary Europe, which will lift us with human dignity. Here, not only do we have wishes for a German victory, but we are determined to help them by all means, including weapons.'

  • Also in October 1943 Al-Ma'adi speaks from his heart with deep understanding and poetic wisdom:
    'The victory of National Socialist Germany is the end of [the usury of one] people by another; it's the end of inequities, it is finally the light... [It is] the establishment in North Africa of a National Socialism that allows us to be born and to die with dignity...'

  • In June of 1943, Al-Ma'adi wrote a tribute in his newspaper to the soldiers of the Reich:
    'At the foot of the destroyed minarets, Islam prays anxiously for the young soldiers who bathed themselves in the blood of virtue.'

    [Above: Mohamed el-Maadi after his arrest in November 1937. It says: 'Les trois Algériens arrêtés (de gauche à droite)' (The three Algerians arrested (from left to right). He was sentenced to 8 months in prison...]

  • With his contacts with the German military intelligence in France, he proposed to create an armed force of Arabs to fight the Allies. Captain Wilhelm Radecke, with the Abwehr in Paris, introduced Al-Ma'adi to Henry Chamberlain (also known as Henry Lafont), head of the Paris Gestapo. Chamberlain believed in Al-Ma'adi's ideas, opening a recruiting office at number 40, rue Lauriston.

    Al-Ma'adi proceeded to recruit Arabs and Kabyles (The Kabyle people are a Berber ethnic group native to Kabylie in the north of Algeria). This North African Legion was planned to later be used as the core for an independent Algerian army, not only to liberate Algeria, but to establish an Algerian National Socialist state. A brigade was initially formed composed of three hundred Algerians. Officers and noncommissioned officers of the brigade wore an SS uniform. Enlisted men wore a uniform similar to that of the Militia, but with a belt and dagger of the Waffen-SS as a bonus. The brigade took part in battles against the French 'Resistance' in places like Corrèze, Dordogne and Franche-Comté.

    Al-Ma'adi also helped recruit Algerians to work with the German intelligence services, as decribed below (note that it was the French, not the 'racist' Germans, who refused to recruit non-whites into their ranks):

    '...the Milice was unwilling to enroll colored colonials into its racially self-aware ranks and did not do so until April 1944 and then only after considerable German pressure. The Germans were anxious to exploit anti-communist sentiment among Muslims, and already the S.D. in France had noticed how readily they were able to recruit Islamic Algerians (mainly from the Paris reigion). Indeed these characters came forward in such numbers that, in January 1944, the S.D. was able to set up a Brigade (also referred to as a Legion) Nord-Africaine. Recruiting was carried out on the Germans' behalf by the ultra-nationalist Algerian leader of the Parti du Progres Algerian, Mohamed al-Maadi. He succeeded in persuading some 400 of his compatriots to offer their services to the S.D....'
    --Foreign Legions of the Third Reich Vol. 1: Norway, Denmark, France, David Littlejohn, pg. 184

    In August 1944, as the Allied armies were swarming over Europe in an orgy of destruction, Mohamed al-Ma'adi took refuge with his wife in Germany, where he was welcomed by the Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini.

    This noble dream ended in the miserable nightmare that was the end of the war and Allied victory.

    After this hell and the death of our collective dream Al-Ma'adi's path led to Cairo, Egypt, where he died in 1954. He died with one great torment -- never being able to return home, to his ancestral land of Algeria. He passed away shortly before the uprising in Algeria which led to its independence. Such is life.

    [Above: Mohamed Al-Ma'adi.]

    [Above: Marcel Déat, 1932.]

  • Marcel Déat (March 7, 1894 – January 5, 1955) was a French politician and freedom fighter who founded the pro-European National Popular Rally (RNP).

    [Above: This flag bears the runic symbol of the National Popular Rally (RNP).]

    [Above: Poster of the JNP. It says: 'Heroic Times Require a Heroic Youth - Fight Alongside the JNP'. Poster by the Popular National Youth, the youth wing of the Popular National Rally (RNP). The poster was done by Roger Folk.]

  • Déat is also famous for being one of the fathers of the Légion des Volontaires Français (LVF), founded, along with fellow patriots Jacques Doriot and Marcel Bucard. The LVF was formed from French volunteers with the intention of fighting Bolshevism with their Waffen-SS European allies. And fight it they did, becoming one of the bravest and most legendary groups of men in history.

    [Above: Men of the National Popular Rally standing before a banner regarding a committee for worker relief.]

  • While reviewing troops from the LVF with Pierre Laval in Versailles on August 27, 1941, Déat was wounded in an assassination attempt by a French communist. After recovering from this cowardly attack, he became a supporter of Pierre Laval, who supported stronger policies than Pétain and had become Prime Minister of the Vichy regime in 1942.

    On March 16, 1944 Marcel Déat became 'Minister of Labor and National Solidarity' in Pierre Laval's government in Vichy.

    [Above: Marcel Déat (middle) attending a National Popular Rally event.]

    [Above: RNP members Jean Fontenoy, Eugène Deloncle, Marcel Déat, Jean Goy and Jean Van Ormelingen, 1941.]

    [Above: Poster of the RNP.]

    [Above: Poster of the RNP.]

    [Above: Poster of the RNP. 'Adhérez!' (Join!)]

  • After the Allied advance and occupation of France he escaped to the Sigmaringen enclave along with other Vichy officials. The Judeo-Allied kangaroo courts condemned him in absentia for collaborationism.

    Déat however had fled to Italy in April of 1945 and assumed a new name, temporarily taking up a teaching position in Milan and Turin. He was later taken in and hidden by a religious order in the convent of San Vito, near Turin. It was here that he wrote his memoirs and lived outside of their dark grasp until his death in January 1955.

    [Above: Marcel Déat.]

    [Above: Georges Suarez.]

  • Georges Suarez (1890–1944) was a famed French writer, essayist and journalist. He was the editor of Aujourd'hui ('Today'), a famous French newspaper during the Vichy regime in France. Suarez was also the biographer of Pétain and other figures of the Troisième République ('Third Republic').

    Suarez carries the honor of being the first martyr to be killed for journalism by the Judeo-murderers after the war. He was the first of many journalists sentenced to death during the Épuration légale ('legal purge'). The Épuration légale was a grotesque wave of vengeance after the war. Approximately 120,000 persons were sentenced! Between 1944 and 1951, official courts in France sentenced 6,763 to death. Many men, like Suarez, were murdered simply for their views or being writers or journalists who dared to resist the Judeo-world-empire.

    Suarez was sentenced to death in 1944 and was murdered by the Allies on the 9th of November.

    [Above: Louis-Ferdinand Céline.]

  • Louis-Ferdinand Céline was the pen name of Dr. Louis Ferdinand Auguste Destouches (May 27, 1894 – July 1, 1961), a French novelist, WWI veteran, pamphleteer and physician. He is most famous for developing a new style of writing that modernized French literature. He is also well known for being extremely anti-Jewish and disbelieving in the 'Holocaust'.

    Céline joined the French military in 1912, eventually reaching the rank of Sergeant. During the beginning of WWI his unit was called into action. On the fateful day of October 25, 1914 he volunteered to deliver a message that others were afraid to do because of heavy German artillery fire. During this mission he was badly wounded in his arm and received the médaille militaire for bravery in November, and even appeared a year later in the weekly publication l'Illustré National.

    In September 1915 he was discharged because of the severity of his arm wound, being declared unfit for military duty. He returned back to France and eventually secured various jobs, even traveling to Africa. Working for the Rockefeller Foundation he traveled to Brittany teaching people how to fight tuberculosis and improve hygiene.

    After studying medicine for several years, in 1924 Céline took up the post of intern at a Paris maternity hospital. Thereafter he worked for the League of Nations, which took him to such far away places as Switzerland, the Cameroons, England, Canada, the United States, and Cuba. In America he saw the effects of capitalism and the assembly line, which disgusted him, describing it as a sensory attack and feeling that the workers were little more than part of a machine.

    In 1928, Céline returned to France to establish a private practice in Montmartre, in the north of Paris, specializing in obstetrics. However, he would end this practice just three years later in 1931 to work in a public dispensary (a dispensary gives advice and medicines free-of-charge, or for a small charge).

    [Above: Journey to the End of the Night.]

  • It was during this time, in 1932, that Céline wrote his best-known work Journey to the End of the Night ('Voyage au bout de la nuit'). It was revolutionary writing that defied the standards and is still praised by his fans and critics to this day.

    In 1936 Céline visited Russia and what he saw changed his life and his way of thinking. He saw communism with his own eyes and it shocked him. He said ''In Russia, the kikes, as soon as they assumed command, didn’t exactly wear mittens when they decimated the Aryan.''

    Two years later Céline began a series of pamphlets (although they are referred to as pamphlets they are books with hundreds of pages!) with an anti-Jewish message: Trifles for a Massacre (Bagatelles pour un massacre, 1937), The School of Corpses (L'École des cadavres, 1938) and The Fine Mess (Les Beaux draps, 1941). The latter was published during the German occupation of France. To this day the reprint of these writings is very restricted, with extremely limited reprints that are filled with footnotes of Jewish hate for Céline. That is indeed how much they fear these books. Even the Israeli ambassador to France pressured the French government to block their publication. They have never been officially translated to English, although unofficial versions exist.

    At the time of their writing they were huge bestsellers! In fact, Trifles for a Massacre sold 75,000 copies during the war, and The Fine Mess sold 136,000. These books consumed huge amounts of rationed paper. It is very telling that 25% of the rationed paper allocated to his publisher went directly to Céline’s books!

    In The School of Corpses Céline compared the greatness of Adolf Hitler with French communist party boss Maurice Thorez, writing:

    'Who is the true friend of the people? Fascism is. Who has done the most for the working man?
    The USSR or Hitler? Hitler has... Who has done the most for the small businessman? Not Thorez but Hitler!'

    [Above: A modern reprint (unlicensed) of Trifles for a Massacre.]

    Here is a quote about Trifles for a Massacre by the great Robert Brasillach, who was murdered after WWII by the petty and vengeful Allies for his words!

    'We do not want any violence. But when one has a Jewish Prime Minister, when one sees, clearly and simply, France dominated by the Jews, it also should be understood how this violence is prepared, and what explains it. I do not even say what legitimates it, I say what explains it. Have any opinion you want. On the Jews and on Céline... But I am telling you: this enormous book, this splendid book, is the first sign of the "revolt of the natives." Perhaps this revolt is excessive, more instinctive than reasonable: after all, the natives are us...'

    Trifles for a Massacre is a bitter indictment of the Jewish overlords destroying this world. Céline had had enough. His anger and disgust dripped from his pen. His typewriter was a machine gun firing out truth. It is also one of the most feared and despised works of the 20th century. That should tell you a lot: that you should read it!

    [Above: An illustration from the cover of a French edition of Journey to the End of the Night.]

  • Before the war between Germany and France Céline had campaigned for an alliance between the two countries. During the German occupation of France he wrote several letters to pro-European journals, denouncing the Jews and their control of the world.

    After Germany and the Axis invaded the Soviet Union in June of 1941 Céline publicly supported the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism (LVF), saying:

    'We do not think enough about the protection of the white Aryan race.
    Now is the time to act, because tomorrow will be too late.
    ...Doriot behaved as he always has. This is a man ... one must work and campaign with.
    ...This Legion, so maligned, so criticized, is proof of life.
    ...I tell you, the Legion it's very good, it is all that is good.'

    After Germany's defeat and the Judeo-world-victory, Céline fled to Denmark in 1945. He was charged as a 'collaborator' and was convicted in absentia in 1950, sentenced to one year of imprisonment and declared a 'national disgrace'.

    Although he later returned to France and was granted amnesty his enemies had ruined his reputation. But firm in his beliefs, he never voiced regret for anything he had written or said about the Jews. In fact, he became a vocal 'holocaust denier', further offending his enemies by truthfully declaring that 'white Aryan Christian civilization' had ended with Stalingrad and that early in his life he had recognized the Jews as 'exploiters.'

    Céline died on July 1, 1961 of a ruptured aneurysm, the day after finishing his last novel 'Rigadoon'.

    [Above: Celine's trilogy of his escape from Vichy France during and after WWII: Castle to Castle (©1957, reprinted in 2011, Dalkey Archive Press), North (©1960, reprinted in 1996, Dalkey Archive Press), Rigadoon (©1969 published posthumously, reprinted in 1997, Dalkey Archive Press). Click to see the books in detail.]

    [Above: An identification photo of Louis-Ferdinand Céline.]

    'You always have to be wary of Jews, even when they’re dead.'
    -Louis-Ferdinand Céline

    [Above: Artemio Ricarte y García.]

  • Artemio Ricarte y García (October 20, 1866 — July 31, 1945) was a teacher and a revolutionary general. A man of unstoppable courage, his resistance to American and Spanish occupiers led him to be regarded as the Father of the Philippine Army.

    In August 1896 he joined the Filipino uprising against the Spanish and became a member of the Katipunan (The Katipunan was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish Filipinos in Manila in 1892, whose primary aim was to gain independence from Spain through revolution.) During this uprising he killed the Spanish leader who was stationed in San Francisco de Malabon. For his ferocity and bravery in battle he was promoted to brigadier-general in Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo's army and became the captain general in the Tejeros Convention.

    In 1899 war with the Unites States broke out and Ricarte was made the chief of operations of the Filipino forces in the second zone around Manila. The United States had been ceded the Philippines by Spain as a result of the latter's victory in the Spanish–American War. A compensation of 20 million US dollars was paid to Spain according to the terms of the 1898 Treaty of Paris. 20 million dollars for a country and countless lives. The first census conducted by the U.S. military forces was in 1903. They recorded 7,635,426 souls. That's 2.62 dollars for each person. Life is cheap eh?

    America had no intention of recognizing the government the people of the Philippines had fought so hard to gain their independence for. America came bearing its full military might. The American's were notoriously brutal, with tens of thousands of Filipinos murdered in American scorched earth campaigns.

    America demanded he sign an oath of allegiance to them. He adamantly refused. He would not bow down to the occupier of his country. In punishment America deported him to Guam in 1901. He was by now a symbol of resistance and the occupiers wanted him out of the picture. After being transferred to Hong Kong with other notable political exiles, he helped plan another revolution against the American occupiers and secretly returned to his homeland in December 1903. From there he met up with former members of the military and other freedom fighters and secretly traveled the country drumming up support.

    [Above: Artemio Ricarte.]

  • He was betrayed from within his own comrades and was arrested and imprisoned. A 10,000 dollar reward had been placed on his head, dead or alive -- a fortune in those days. He spent the next six years, until 1910, in their dungeons until he was finally released. Again the Americans ordered him to sign the oath of treachery and again he refused! Back to Hong Kong...

    This time he and his wife went to Yokohama, Japan. Ricarte opened a small restaurant, 'Karihan Luvimin', and returned to his first love of teaching. His book, 'Himagsikan nang manga Pilipino Laban sa Kastila' (The Revolution of Filipinos Against the Spaniards) was published in Yokohama in 1927.

    While exiled in Japan WWII reared its terrible head. Japan believed Asians should be ruled by Asians and set out to free the Philippines from American occupation. Ricarte was now an old man, but wasn't going to miss his chance to return to the land he loved. He returned with the Japanese liberators to the Philippines. The Japanese drove the Americans out completely from the Philippine Islands. Tactically this was a stupendous victory. America lost important bases in the Pacific.

    Ricarte understood the reality of the situation. Japan had no choice but to initially occupy the Philippines. Eventually, they promised, they would turn the reins back over to the people -- but for now, it was total war with imperialist America.

    [Above: A modern Filipino postage stamp from 1984 featuring Artemio Ricarte.]

    [Above: A modern commemorative Filipino envelope featuring the above stamp.]

  • In December 1944, Ricarte, together with Benigno Ramos, founded the Makapili, a pro-Japanese, paramilitary organization which was created to provide military support to the Japanese army and was also used to root out American agents and terrorists. The group also helped recruit volunteers for the war effort. It found many of its supporters from the now defunct Ganap Party. Although its main area of support was Metro Manila, it established chapters across the islands.

    Eventually America returned and re-occupied the Philippines. Ricarte fled from the vengeful Americans and their lackeys with the Japanese. Japanese Colonel Ota asked Ricarte to evacuate the Philippine islands but Ricarte refused, stating:
    'I can not take refuge in Japan at this critical moment when my people are in actual distress. I will stay in my Motherland to the last.'

    A true patriot. The chaos and hell of fleeing the Americans, of being constantly on the run, took its toll with the old fighter. He became ill with dysentery...

    On July 31, 1945 at Hungduan, Ifugao, Ricarte died at the age of 78. His grave wasn't found until 1954 by treasure hunters. His bones were exhumed and placed in a tomb in Manila at the Heroes' Cemetery.

    [Above: The General Ricarte National Shrine in Batac, Ilocos Norte, the hometown of Ricarte.]

  • A shrine was also inaugurated by historian Ambeth Ocampo, chairman of the National Historical Institute, and Mrs. Teodoro, granddaughter of Artemio Ricarte, on April 2002, at the same spot he died.

    [Above: Ricarte shrine in Batac Shrine in Yokohama, Japan.]

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    -|- Hand of Pandora -|-
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    -|- The European Volunteer Movement in WWII -|-
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